How to Use/Install Call Tracking Number Pools with Visitor Tracking, Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) Follow
(JAVASCRIPT File) : Download Zip File Here
*** Please note: Feature is available as a paid upgrade and not included with license plans ***
What is Keyword Tracking?
Keyword Tracking, also known as “DNI” allows you to track the source and visitor details of phone calls that are generated from your website(s), online marketing/advertising, landing page(s), and any other online lead generation efforts. This feature is integrated with Google Analytics and gathers data on your website visitors as they call the call tracking numbers on your website(s) and inserts that keyword tracking data into your Legal CRM portal in real-time.
How does Keyword Tracking work?
Keyword Tracking will help you quickly integrate call tracking in your website and allow you to gather data on whichmarketing/advertising efforts are the most/least effective.
Each Call Tracking Number that you create can be assigned a lead/marketing source (Example: Google AdWords,
Facebook PPC, Bing PPC, Bing Organic, Yelp, etc.) and the correct tracking number will automatically display when a visitor reaches your website via one of those sources.
Please note: You will also need to make sure that you properly structure your ad campaigns to transmit UTM data inside of your destination links from your PPC/CPC ads. UTM parameters are *not* needed for organic or direct traffic.
For more information on how this works, please contact your Google/Facebook/etc vendor or look online for assistance.
Here is an example of Google’s UTM Link Builder that is free and publicly available:
If you are only setting up UTM tracking for Webforms you can skip to Step 2.
You must have access to Legal CRM to configure a pool of keyword tracking numbers for each website that Keyword Tracking is needed on (4 min recommended for Keyword Tracking)
Step 1: Legal CRM Keyword Tracking Pool Set up
You must have access to Legal CRM to configure a pool of keyword tracking numbers for each website that Keyword Tracking is needed on (4 min recommended for Keyword Tracking). If you do not have access please reach out to a Legal CRM Account Administrator & request access / have them do this step.
Once logged in do the following:
- Go to settings > Marketing Sources and Call Tracking Phone #s
- Click on “Add Lead Source”
- Click on the “Advanced Options” button and click the newly shown “Track Search Keywords” button
- Fill out all the fields listed on the “Add Pool” Pop up & press Next
- Type in the area code that you would like to use for the Keyword Tracking Numbers that will display on your website. Then press Next & select the numbers (It is recommended to select a minimum of 4 numbers) you would like to purchase. Press “Buy Numbers”
Congratulations the Legal CRM Keyword Tracking pool is now Set up! Your halfway there!
Step 2: Keyword Tracking Javascript Installation
Download & edit the DNI JavaScript file into the JavaScript folder or any other folder where you keep the .js files for your website.
Save this file path where the Legal CRM DNI file is located since it will be needed for Step 3.
Once downloaded edit the DNI.js and insert your / the law firm’s Legal CRM Site URL in red on the last line of the .js file.
2. Footer: Add the below Code Snippet/script to every unique website where Keyword Tracking (DNI) functionality is required. If the website is setup with a global footer, then this only needs to be done once.
Paste the tracking script code just above the </footer> tag.
Replace the area in RED with the Legal CRM DNI file path:
<script type="text/javascript" src="DNI FILE PATH" defer></script>
Step 3: Keyword Tracking for 3rd Party Web-Form Submissions
- To implement keyword tracking for web-form submissions these API parameters MUST be added to each 3rd Party web form’s web hook configuration.
Form Data Legal CRM Parameter
UTM-SOURCE-999 LeadProvider
Step 4: Keyword Tracking Testing
Once you’ve installed the DNI.js on your website and inserted the Tracking Code Snippets, then please be sure to Test every location of your installation before your campaign begins.
To confirm that the Keyword Tracking is set up properly please do the follow:
- Visit your website(s) and when the site loads each number listed on your page(s) should be swapping to one of the numbers in your Legal CRM Keyword Tracking pool.
- Dial the number on the website and let the agent / firm know that your making a test call.
- Login to your Legal CRM site and confirm that the UTM data can be found inside the lead. You can also confirm using the Legal CRM Call Report (for calls only). If you do not have access to Legal CRM and need confirmation feel free to email support with the firm’s name & the number you called from so we can login for you to confirm the DNI is working properly.
- Revisit the website(s) and submit a webform with unique data. Once submitted be repeat step 3 to ensure the UTM data was sent with the lead’s form submission.
Frequently Asked Questions about Keyword Tracking
- Google CPC/PPC traffic will work with Legal CRM DNI via dynamic UTM Parameters when the ads contain properly structured links
Google CPC/PPC traffic will require the UTM parameters to be passed dynamically in the URM links to transmit all of the data, thus allowing the data to flow through our client's Google Analytics account when each call is made from a DNI number. This will contain the most data since Google Analytics provides much more visitor data than organic traffic. We can help with advising how to make the UTM links dynamic if needed.
- Organic traffic number swapping
Example of Organic Number Swapping: A visitor is on and searches for a law firm, and then clicks on an ORGANIC (Not PPC) URL to browse a client site, then Legal CRM SWAPS the Call Tracking Number for each Unique Visitor
(Organic AND PPC)
Then the visitor Calls the swapped Call Tracking Number.
In this example:
The Source should = Google
The Medium should = Organic
The Referring URL should be = the website they were on before the law firm website
- "Direct" Traffic.
Currently, the the DNI.js file will ONLY display the default call tracking # for Direct Traffic only since there is no visitor data with Direct traffic.
What is "Direct" Source Traffic? Direct Source Traffic is when a visitor sees a law firm's website offline, on TV, or via Postal Service mailing and types the URL directly in their browser, and there will be NO Referring Site/NO Lead Source other than "Direct." Direct and Organic are NOT the same thing and will function differently.
Does Keyword Tracking cause a decrease in my Search Engine Rankings/SEO?
Location-based businesses should be mindful of having consistent phone numbers in their websites or it can cause a potential decrease of SEO rankings. Legal CRM Keyword Tracking works perfectly in such a scenario and prevents any issue.
If you implement Legal CRM Keyword Tracking, this will not be a problem, since the JavaScript code that our feature uses will NOT be crawled by search engines, and will have Zero impact on your SEO rankings. The search engines know automatically to not crawl JavaScript code that dynamically displays phone numbers.
Search engines track Name, Address, Phone Number, also known as “NAP” and it is important to be consistent, and/or use Keyword Tracking instead of manually changing phone numbers which the search engines will detect.
Why isn’t my telephone number swapping?
If your telephone number is not swapping, then it could be something simple. Have you cleared your cookies, or tried accessing the website in a private browsing / incognito session? You will need to simulate the experience of a first time website visitor to properly test it.
The most important part of testing Keyword Tracking is to simulate the experience of a first-time visitor before testing. Otherwise, the DNI.js code will detect you as a visitor to the website from a previous session and not swap out the number displayed with a new one.
How do I prevent a number from swapping on my website?
Don’t want number swapping in a specific place on your website? You can manually update the telephone number in your source code so that our JavaScript doesn't recognize it. In the number that you do not want to be swapped out, you can use HTML tags that don't apply any additional style.
For example: 555-<span>444<span>-3333.
When setting this up, we recommend placing "<span>" within the middle of the phone number (as illustrated above). With those additional HTML tags, our JavaScript file will not find/swap the number that you'd like to appear static.
Can I use Keyword Tracking on my self-built website?
You may use Legal CRM’s other Call Tracking Feature which is a single Call Tracking Number for Campaign Tracking and copy that phone number to a site.
Unfortunately, due to the policy, it's currently not possible to install Legal CRM’s JavaScript code for Dynamic Number Insertion on a site. Since does not support the installation of JavaScript snippets, there's not a workaround at this time to use dynamic number insertion on a Wix site.
Do I need to remove the JavaScript after I disable call tracking?
Legal CRM’s JavaScript code is company-specific. If you don’t plan on creating new tracking numbers in the same company where your tracking number(s) has been disabled, you can safely remove the Legal CRM JavaScript code. However, if you leave the swap script on your website, the numbers will no longer swap since those numbers have been disabled.
What is a UTM link and What does it do?
UTM parameters are tags added to the end of a URL to track web source traffic and the success of content on the web for marketers. UTMs tell the story of how your traffic is coming to you so it is important to track the performance of each link.
This UTM data can be associated with a Call Tracking Number or a Pool of numbers, so when a website visitor calls you, this data will be associated with their Call when the lead is created in Legal CRM.
Want to learn more about How to Structure UTM Parameters?
An example of UTM parameters is highlighted in the URL below in blue:
This is where we are labeling the traffic that is generated from this link. A strong UTM link should help you answer some basic questions about your web traffic:
Where is my traffic coming from?
How is it getting directed to me?
Why is it coming to me?
What are they and how to Structure UTM Parameters
You can use any naming convention, however we recommend keeping it simple and consistent (e.g. use lowercase letters and dashes and no underscores while omitting spaces.) We have seen companies create an absolute mess simply because UTM’s have been created with no process or plan.
There are five different UTM parameters, which may be used in any order:
- Campaign (required):
Identifies the campaign title, as it exists in your analytics.
Ex: utm_campaign=accident-lawyer-miami
- Medium (required): Identifies what type of link was used.
Ex: utm_medium=PPC
- Source (required): Identifies which site sent the traffic.
Ex: utm_source=google
- Content: Identifies ad content – it can be ad-size format, link placement, short ad-copy description or any combination thereof specific to the product promotion or strategic campaign. This is often used with PPC or when two identical links are used on the same page.
Ex: utm_content=adwords-whitepaper-200x400x
Ex: utm_content=headerlink or utm_content=sidebarlink
- Term: Identifies key search terms.
Ex: utm_term=accident+lawyer
The great thing about UTM parameters is that you can be as detailed or broad as you like by using any combination of the above as long as you use the first three (campaign, medium, and source) as they are required.
Hint: Google offers a simple tool to create UTM links where you enter the values in text boxes and it builds the links for you.
If you need further assistance, then please contact Legal CRM Support to assist you further.
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