CosmoLex Integration – Law Practice and Case Management Software Follow
Legal CRM offers an easy-to-use integration with CosmoLex, a cloud-based law practice management software that integrates trust & business accounting, time tracking, billing, email & document management, and tasks & calendaring, in a single application.
For more information about subscribing to CosmoLex, please visit
What the 1-Click Legal CRM > CosmoLex integration offers:
- Creates Matters in CosmoLex (NOTE: The primary contact in the CRM becomes the client)
- Creates Contacts in CosmoLex
- Duplicate Checking of existing contacts in CosmoLex to allow selection of existing contacts or creation of new contacts at the time of sync
- Legal CRM intake form data field mapping and syncing directly to CosmoLex custom fields
- Legal CRM intake and sign-up documents will be synced directly into CosmoLex Matter documents
Quick Links:
Sending Legal CRM Documents > CosmoLex
How to stop the document URL from sending to CosmoLex
Creating a Matter in CosmoLex
Creating a matter in CosmoLex is a very simple process. Once you have an intake/lead record ready to convert from the CRM to CosmoLex, all you need to do is press the "Send to CosmoLex" button located under the Intake Details section.
After pressing the "Send To CosmoLex" a pop-up will open.
This pop-up will show you the Matter Name, Area Of Law that you want to set, and if there are any duplicate contacts in CosmoLex already.
Duplicate Contact Checking
If there are any primary or additional duplicate contact(s) found they will be displayed in this pop-up:
- You have the option to convert to CosmoLex using these existing contacts by pressing the checkbox next to the contact name
- You can ignore the duplicate contact by leaving the checkboxes blank/empty & pressing "Create Matter"
The next step is to verify that you want to send this lead to CosmoLex.
Press "Yes, Send It" to send the record to CosmoLex.
Successful CosmoLex Export
Once a record is successfully converted you will see a green success message in the bottom right corner of Legal CRM
You will also see a new success log inside of our Audit Log section with the new CosmoLex Matter ID for that record.
Your Legal CRM intake has now been created as a new contact & Matter within CosmoLex!
Sending Legal CRM Documents > CosmoLex
In our current integration, your Legal CRM Intake documents will be sent to CosmoLex's documents section.
How to Disable Document Sending to CosmoLex
If you would like to disable Documents from sending to Cosmolex you can do so by going to:
Setup > Global Settings & Statuses > Cases Software > Send Documents > Turn the toggle OFF
How to Setup Custom Legal CRM to CosmoLex Intake Fields
To pass custom field data into Cosmolex you first will need to create fields in your intake form.
Setup > Intake/Case Form Builder
Select your case type
Scroll down to the bottom right-hand corner and you will see the following options:
CoxmoLex Page Template:
Here is where you select the CosmoLex Page Template where the CL fields that you want to pair in your CRM intake form are.
Map to:
Here is where you select the Cosmolex field that you want to create in Legal CRM.
After selecting your desired options, press "Create Field" and it will be added to your intake form!
If you need further assistance, then please contact support to assist you further.
🤗 Thank you very much for choosing Legal CRM!