Prevail Integration Follow
Law Ruler CRM offers an easy-to-use integration with Prevail, a server-based case management platform for law firms.
What the 1-Click Law Ruler > Prevail integration offers:
- Creates new case in Prevail
- Law Ruler documents will also be sent to the Prevail record that is created
⚠️ Please note, this integration is a 1-time sync to Prevail.
Quick Links:
Pairing Prevail with Law Ruler
Mapping Law Ruler's Intake Forms to Prevail
Creating a Case in Prevail
Pairing Prevail with Law Ruler
Once logged into Law Ruler navigate to Setup > Global Settings and Statuses > Cases Software
(Admin access is required to access the Global Settings page)
Once in the Cases Software section, select "Prevail" from the drop-down menu.
The following field needs to be filled out in order to complete the pairing.
- Hostname: This is the FTP site where your client information and documents will be sent to, to later integrate into your Prevail system. This will be provided to you by Prevail.
- Username - This is the Username for the FTP site. This will be provided to you by Prevail.
- Password - This is the password associated with the Username for the FTP site. This will be provided to you by Prevail.
- Path - If your client information and documents need to be sent to a specific folder on the FTP site, the path for that folder needs to be provided here. This will be provided to you by Prevail.
Press "Save" to finish the pairing process:
Mapping Law Ruler's Intake Forms to Prevail
Law Ruler offers the option to map your Law Ruler intake form fields to corresponding fields in your prevail system. To get started, you first need to have your Law Ruler intake form fully configured. To learn more about how to configure intake forms in Law Ruler, click here.
⚠️ Please note, the Prevail mapping aspect of this integration is not supported with fields created under the ALL case type in the Law Ruler Intake/Case Form Builder. If you wish to utilize Prevail mapping, ensure all of your intake fields are case type specific.
Next, you will need Prevail to provide you a sample XML file that includes all of the available XML parameters for your system. The sample provided by Prevail will look something like this:
Once you have your intake configured and the XML sample from Prevail, you are ready to configure your Law Ruler -> Prevail mapping. First, click on the Manage Prevail Mapping button in the Cases Software section:
Next, choose the Law Ruler case type you want to map to Prevail:
By default, the Mapping section will look like this:
Adding New Fields
Next, you will want to begin mapping your fields. Let's take a look at the sample XML again to get started:
Your Prevail mapping will generally have 2 parent fields: matter & rolodex
Based on the XML example above, we can see that certain fields are indented under each of these parent fields. This means that field belongs to that parent field and is a child of it.
When setting up the mapping, you must first create the XML parameter in the Field Tag section, and will always need to pick a parent field first and then enter in the custom name of the XML parameter you want to add in the Field area.
For example, to add the question "additionalinformation" based on our sample above, our configuration would look like this:
Notice how the name of the XML parameter is entered in the Field area and the Parent Field is set to "prevail>>matter", indicating this question is a child of the parent field "matter".
Once everything is filled out, click Add to add your new field:
Your new field will then display above in the Mapping section. Next, you will need to determine which Law Ruler field will map to your Prevail field.
To set the Law Ruler field, click on the drop down to the right of your Prevail field. You will be presented with a list of default fields in the Law Ruler system as well as custom fields related to the specific case type chosen previously.
You also have an option for "Hardcoded Value". This can be used anytime you want to default the value that is passed to Prevail. An example of this is the <casetype> tag. Generally, Prevail requires this to be defaulted to a specific value.
After adding your fields, you can also see a preview of the XML file that will be generated for Prevail in the Generated XML section:
This will allow you to cross-reference the XML file you are building with the sample provided by Prevail.
Sending Multiple Values to the Same Prevail Field
Sometimes, you may want to map multiple Law Ruler intake fields to the same Prevail field. To do this, you must first add the Prevail field. Once that is done, click the "+" icon to the right of the field:
A new line will appear in the mapping section with the same tag name, but will have "(additional)" preceding it:
You will then map the "additional" Prevail field to another Law Ruler field using the drop down to the right of the Prevail field.
Editing, Deleting, and Copying Prevail Mapping
To edit the name of the XML parameter related to your Prevail field, click the pencil icon to the right of the field. You can also delete a Prevail field from your mapping at any time using the trash bin icon.
If you need to copy your Prevail mapping to another case type, you can copy your mapping template using the copy option at the top of the screen:
First, select the case type you wish to copy the mapping to using the drop down, and then click Copy XML/CSV to complete the action.
Creating a Case in Prevail
Creating a case in Prevail is a very simple process. Once you have an intake/lead record ready to convert to Prevail all you need to do is press the "Export to Prevail" button located in the Action Menu.
After pressing the "Export to Prevail" button, the XML you created with your Prevail mapping will be sent to your Prevail system along with any documents that are on the record at the time of conversion!
A log of this conversion can also be found in the Activity Log of your customer's record in Law Ruler.
If you need further assistance, then please contact Law Ruler Support to assist you further.
🤗 Thank you very much for choosing Law Ruler!
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