Inbox Layouts & Custom Report Follow
Legal CRM offers the ability to customize your inbox layouts as well as create custom reports using customizable layouts. This article will review over how to maintain and customize layouts in your system as well as how to run a custom report.
Creating and Managing Layouts from the Inbox
Custom Report - Report Layouts and Running the Report
Creating and Managing Layouts from the Inbox
Using the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click on “Inbox”.
In the Inbox, locate the "Layout" dropdown setting at the top of the screen towards the right. Use this dropdown to scroll through the list of available Layouts. To apply any Layout, select it from the list and then click "Apply" at the bottom of the dropdown.
Creating a New Layout
In the Layouts dropdown, click the "New" option located at the bottom of the dropdown. A new screen will open up where you will be able to select the fields to include in your new custom Layout. By default, the Add Note, First Name, Last Name, and Phone fields will be included and cannot be removed since this Layout will be used primarily in the Inbox. Under the “Available Fields” you can select any of the system’s default fields to add. You can also choose Intake/Case Form fields from a specific case type. Use the “ > ” button in the middle to add selected fields to the Layout. Please note that we do not recommend adding more than 10 fields for a Layout that will be used in the Inbox as this may cause screen display issues where some of the columns may be cut off.
Once you’ve selected all fields to include in the Layout, you will need to give the new Layout a name. In addition, if you are an administrative user and would like all users of the portal to be able to see and use this new Layout, you will want to check the “For All Users” checkbox. Click the “Save” button to create the new Layout.
Once created, you should refresh the Inbox screen so that you can see the new Layout under the dropdown and apply it.
Reordering Layout Fields
We have added the ability to reorder fields inside the layout builder!
To change/update the order of your fields, you simply need to click on the desired field that you want to move and press either the up or down arrow to change the order.
Editing/Deleting Layouts
First, from the Inbox screen, click to open the "Layouts" dropdown. Select the Layout you'd like to modify, and then click the "Edit Layout" option at the bottom of the dropdown. A new tab will open up with your Layout loaded, which will allow you to make changes. Be sure to click the Update button in the lower-right to save any changes to your Layout.
If you scroll down past the Layout editor, you will find a list of all Layouts that are available for your account. To edit an existing Layout, click the pencil icon. To delete a Layout, click the trash bin icon. ⚠️ Please note that deleted Layouts cannot be restored.
Custom Report - Report Layouts and Running the Report
Using the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click on “Reports”.
⚠️ Only users with the Reports user permission will have access to this screen.
Go to the “Custom Report Builder” page.
Creating a Report Layout
Any Inbox Layouts can be used to run a Custom Report. In this page, however, you will also be able to create a new Layout under the “Customize Your Report” section. For more information regarding how to build a custom layout, please see step 3 under Inbox Layouts above.
Unlike creating an Inbox Layout, the Add Note, First Name, Last Name, and Phone fields will not be included since this new Layout will primarily be used for reporting.
Running a Custom Report
To run a Custom Report, scroll to the top of the page and locate the “Custom Report” section. First, use the “Select Your Layout” dropdown to choose the Layout that will be used in the report. You can also apply any filters available in this section to narrow down the results of the report.
Once all settings are configured, click on the “Export/Schedule Report” button to view the download options (detailed below).
The pictured (below) export report options give you the ability to export the report on demand or schedule it to be delivered via email. You will be able to give the report a name, select the delivery frequency, the time of day when the report should be delivered, and enter the email addresses of any individuals who should receive this report.
Click the “Save” button to export/schedule the report.
- Export now – This option gives you the ability to generate & export the report in real-time via our notification center. Once the report is generated, you simply need to click on the notification center icon in the upper right corner of your screen to download the report!
- You will also receive a notification center email when the file is ready to download!
- You will also receive a notification center email when the file is ready to download!
To stop receiving these notifications you can turn them off by going to your user settings > Notification Center > and unchecking the Email checkbox next to "Reports".
- If you would like to also be emailed a copy that includes a file attachment in real time you can select the option to "Email a copy of the report" and enter your email address.
- If you would like to also be emailed a copy that includes a file attachment in real time you can select the option to "Email a copy of the report" and enter your email address.
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Bi-Weekly – These options give you the ability to generate &
automatically scheduled the report via email! The report can to any email address you input. Depending on the delivery frequency, you can choose the specific day(s) of the week, the time of the day, and even the specific day of the month that you want the report to be sent! We recommend reviewing the pop-up to see all the available options.
Note: Any scheduled report exports that exceed 25MB in file size will not be able to be attached to the email. Instead, a download link will be included in the email.
Editing/Deleting Report Layouts
In the Custom Report Builder page, scroll down until you see the “Report Layouts” section. A list of all Layouts available to you will be displayed. To edit an existing Layout, click the pencil icon. To delete a Layout, click the trash icon. ⚠️ Please note that deleted Layouts cannot be restored.
If you need further assistance, then please contact support to assist you further.
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