Setting Up/Customizing System Statuses and Dashboard Categories Follow
The CRM allows you to create and customize statuses and dashboard categories that are used throughout the portal to keep track of your lead and case records.
Only users with Admin Rights will have access to make the changes mentioned in this article.
How to Add and Manage Statuses
How to Manage Dashboard Categories
How to Add and Manage Statuses
Using the main navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click on “Setup”.
Next, navigate to the “Global Settings and Statuses” page.
Adding a New Status
Scroll down on the page and locate the “System Statuses” section or use the menu on the right side of the page to quickly jump to this section.
Next, click the “Add Status” button in the upper-right corner of the section.
A pop-up will appear where you will be able to name the new status and select the appropriate dashboard category (more on dashboard categories in this article below).
When creating a new status, notice that you will also be given options to set a Background Color and a Font Color for the status. Any color selections made will be reflected in the Inbox and in the Customer Screen.
Example of status colors displayed in the Inbox:
Editing Statuses
To edit an existing status, click the pencil icon that appears to the right of the status in the System Statuses section.
A pop-up will appear where you can update the status name, dashboard category, and colors. Once you’ve made your changes, click the “Save” button to save.
Deactivating Statuses
To deactivate a status that you no longer wish to use, click the trash bin icon that appears all the way to the right. Please note the system will not allow you to deactivate a status that is being used in lead/case records; this applies to both active and deleted records. Additionally, any status with a "(Default)" label next to its name is a default system status that cannot be deactivated, only renamed.
At any time you can turn on the "Show Deactivated Statuses" toggle at the top of the System Statuses section to view any statuses that have been deactivated. Deactivated statuses are not permanently removed from the system, and you will always have the option to reactivate a status if you’d like.
How to Manage Dashboard Categories
On the Global Settings and Statuses page, the “Dashboard Category” section is located directly beneath the “System Statuses” section. Dashboard Categories are used primarily in reporting, more specifically the Lead Conversion Dashboard, Marketing Sources ROI, and Intake Performance Summary reports. These categories cannot be deleted, but they can be renamed. To change the name of a Dashboard Category, click the “Edit” option that appears to the left of the Category Name.
A small pop-up will appear that will allow you to rename the category. Click the “Update” button to apply your changes after giving the category a new name.
If you need further assistance with your CRM system, please reach out to the support team.
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