Setting up Your Firm’s Users and Managing Users Follow
The CRM allows you to compartmentalize and secure all of your leads by assigning rights to users for either specific “Types of Case(s)” by docket, specific marketing sources, or allowing users the rights to view “All Leads”. This is especially useful if you have separate intake teams and you do not want them to see what the other is doing. This also is an added precaution to secure the assets of your firm by walling off different departments in their own compartment by docket if you choose to assign rights in this fashion.
Only users with Admin Rights will have access to make the changes mentioned in this article.
Viewing Active Users and Number of Licenses
Managing Existing User Accounts
Using the main navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen, go to "Setup".
Next, navigate to the "Manage Users" page.
Viewing Active Users and Number of Licenses
Your portal's current number of active users and total user licenses can always be viewed directly from the Manage Users page. You can also view the account details for each active account.
To view the information related to the number of accounts and licenses, navigate to the "All Users" section located near the top of the page.
💡 Please note: When you deactivate a user account your total number of licenses is not decreased. If you'd like to deactivate a user account and make your total number of licenses match the total number of active users, please contact
Adding Licenses
Before creating a new user account, you may need to increase the number of available licenses in your portal. To increase the number of available licenses, navigate down to the "User Management" section of the page, and click the Purchase Additional User(s) button.
Next, in the pop-up that appears, choose the number of licenses you need and click Purchase.
You are now ready to create your user accounts!
Adding New User Accounts
To create a new user account for someone, click the Add New User button located in the upper-right corner of the Manage Users page.
A new page will open up where you will enter the information for the new user. Please keep in mind that any required fields will be denoted by a red asterisk *
Be sure to click the "Create User" button at the bottom of the screen once you've filled out the fields to create the new account.
Managing Existing User Accounts
Editing Account Information for an Existing User
Under the "All Users" section in the Manage Users screen, you can edit a user's information such as name, email address, phone numbers, job title, and more. To make changes, click on the pencil icon located to the left of a user's name.
Reassigning & Removing User Accounts
If you ever need to remove a user account, you will have two options:
1. Reassign the user account to someone else
2. Deactivate the user account
To reassign a user account, click on the circular arrow icon next to the pencil. Please note that by reassigning a user account, the original user's information will be deactivated and any leads, cases, or tasks will be reassigned to the new user.
To deactivate a user account without reassigning the user's leads, cases, or tasks you will want to click on the trash bin icon.
Reactivating User Accounts
A deactivated user account can be restored as long as your portal has an available user license.
To view the deactivated users, enable the "Show Deactivated users" toggle located in the upper-right corner of the All Users section.
Next, locate the user account you wish to reactivate, and click on the arrows icon to restore the account.
💡 Please note: It's always recommended to restore a deactivated user account instead of creating a new account for the same person.
User Management & Permissions
Under the "User Management" section, you will be able to select user permissions, allowing you to manage the access of the different users throughout the portal.
The following is a breakdown of what the different user permissions control:
All Leads: This permission allows the user to see all leads/cases that exist in the portal.
Leads by Case: Restricts the user to only see leads/cases in selected case types. If a user is restricted by this permission, they will only see records that fall under the case types that are selected for them.
Leads by Source: Restricts the user to only see leads/cases that come in from selected marketing sources.
Leads Assigned: Restricts the user to only see leads/cases where they are set as the “Assignee”.
Edit Rights: Allows the user to make edits to the records they can see. For example, adding notes, booking appointments, making changes to an intake, and more.
Delete Rights: Allows the user to delete things in the portal such as records, notes, tasks, documents, and more.
Admin Rights: Gives the user full access to all of the advanced settings in the portal. With this permission, the user will be able to view and access all pages in the “Setup” menu.
Command Center: Allows the user to access the “Automations” option on the main menu. The user will be able to view and edit any automation in the portal.
Reports: Allows the user to access the “Reports” option on the main menu. The user will be able to run and download any of the different reports available in the portal.
Firm: Allows the user to access the “Manage Referral Firms” page where they can view and edit any existing referral firms as well as create new ones.
Send Referral: Allows the user to send out leads/cases as referrals from the portal.
View SSN/EIN: Allows the user to see Social Security numbers and employee ID numbers. Without this permission, the user will only be able to see the last four digits of the Social Security and employee ID numbers.
Use Call Center Dialer: Allows the user to access the softphone dialer. The user will be available for transfer calls only and will be able to make manual outbound calls.
Call Center Agent: Allows the user to be an agent that is part of the inbound and scheduled outbound call queues, and to make manual outbound calls.
Show Inbound Only Toggle: Adds a toggle in the dialer that allows the user to be available only for inbound calls. When the toggle is turned on, the user will not be presented with calls from the outbound call queues.
View All Agents: Allows the user to view all of the agents that are enabled to use the dialer, directly from the CRM's softphone dialer by clicking the Agents button, and their current dialer status.
Edit Agent Status: Allows the user to edit the dialer status of other dialer users.
Call Monitoring: Allows the user to monitor live calls that another agent is on.
Edit SSN/EIN: Allows the user to make changes to Social Security numbers and employee ID numbers.
Export Contacts/Inbox: Allows the user to export a full contacts list and related contacts list from the Contacts page in the CRM, as well as the full list of records from the inbox.
💡 Please note: After making any permission changes under User Management, don't forget to click the "Save" button that will appear in the upper-right corner of the section. Also, after updating the permissions of a user account, please ask the user to log out of the portal completely and then log back in so they can see the changes take effect.
Additional user permissions are also available when a user account is edited from the All Users section:
The following is a breakdown of each additional user permission:
Is this user an Attorney?: If using Law Ruler's Cases Module, this setting is used to denote a specific user as an attorney to assign files to or bill time for.
Does this user bill for their time?: If using Law Ruler's Cases Module, this setting allows the specific user to be selected from a dropdown when creating Time Entries.
Is this user enabled for Accounting?: If using Law Ruler's Cases Module, this setting enables a user to access accounting related pages in your system such as your Bank Accounts page, Billing Settings, and the Bank Transactions screen inside a customer record.
Allow editing of System Categories: Allows a non-administrative user to create, edit or delete system categories and/or key dates.
View All Newsfeed: Allows a non-administrative user to view activity for all users in the Newsfeed. Without this permission, the Newsfeed will only display activities completed by the user's own account.
View All Tasks: Allows a non-administrative user to view tasks assigned to any user on the All Tasks page. Without this permission, non-administrative users can only view the tasks assigned to them or tasks assigned on records that they have access to.
Assign Tasks: Allows the user to assign tasks to other users at the firm. Without this permission, the user will only be able to assign tasks to themselves.
Show the Get Started Tutorial: Enables the CRM's Get Started tutorial that walks a new user through the system.
Allow Editing of E-Signs: Allows non-admin users to access the E-Sign Settings page to create, edit, or delete e-sign agreements.
Allow editing Lead Source: Allows the user to edit the Marketing Source field in a customer record. If this permission is not selected, the Marketing Source is in a view-only mode for the user.
Allow viewing Lead Source: Allows the user to view the Marketing Source field in a customer record. If this permission is not selected, the Marketing Source will be hidden.
Time Zone: Sets the specific user's current time zone.
Deprecated Features
The following are deprecated features as of 02/28/2022.
These legacy features are no longer supported:
Creating and Editing Groups
To create a new group in your portal, click on the "Add New Group" button located in the upper-right corner of the page.
A pop-up will come up where you will be able to give your group a name and choose the members of the group. Currently, up to 5 users can be part of one group.
To edit and make changes to an existing group, click on the “Edit” option located to the left of the group name. If you’d like to delete a group, click on the “Delete” option.
If you need further assistance with your CRM system, please reach out to the support team.
🤗 Thank you very much for choosing CRM!