Setting Up/Customizing Marketing Sources and Call Tracking Numbers Follow
Tracking where your leads are coming from is a critical part of any intake program, at any firm, whether your firm has a few marketing sources or hundreds. Legal CRM allows you to manage your lead sources in an easy and intuitive way.
Only users with Admin Rights will have access to make the changes mentioned in this article.
Table of Contents
Creating New Marketing Sources
Purchasing and Setting Up Tracking Numbers
Enabling call tracking numbers to ring in the dialer
Keeping inbound calls in the dialer queue
Editing/Deactivating Marketing Sources
How to Configure Schedule Rules for Tracking Numbers
Creating New Marketing Sources
Using the blue menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click on "Setup".
Navigate to the “Marketing Sources & Call Tracking #s” page.
Adding a New Source
To create a new Marketing Source in the portal, click on the “Add Lead Source” button located in the upper-right corner of the screen.
In the pop-up that appears, click the “Track a Campaign” button.
In the next pop-up, go ahead and give the new Marketing Source a name and choose the source type. You will then have the option between two buttons to save the source: “Save” or “Save & Add Call Tracking #”. The “Save” button will create the new source without any additional configuration needed. However, the “Save & Add Call Tracking #” button will allow you to purchase a tracking phone number to associate with this source.
Purchasing and Setting Up Tracking Numbers
For a New Marketing Source: In the Add Campaign pop-up, click on the “Save & Add Call Tracking #” button which will automatically redirect you to the “Tracking Numbers” tab of the new source.
For an Existing Marketing Source: Locate the Marketing Source and click on the green pencil icon to the very right of the source. Then, go to the “Tracking Numbers” tab in the Edit Campaign pop-up.
Click on the “+ Add Tracking #” button in the upper-right corner. Next, in the “Generate a New Tracking Number” pop-up, you will have the option to purchase either a local or a toll-free phone number. If you choose to buy a local number, you can search for a phone number in the area code that you desire. If you prefer a toll-free number instead, you can search for toll-free area codes.Please keep in mind that not all toll-free area codes will have numbers available for purchase. Whether you choose local or toll-free, once you find the number that you like, click on the checkbox to the left of the phone number to select it and then click on the “Buy Number(s)” button to purchase.
Once you buy a number, a new pop-up will appear where you can configure the settings for the phone number. In the “Forwards To” field, you will enter the phone number that any incoming calls to the new tracking number should forward to. You will also be able to set defaults for Owner, Assignee, Status, and/or Case Type for records that are created via this tracking number.
Enabling call tracking numbers to ring in the dialer
If your firm is utilizing the CRM dialer, you will need to turn on the “Allow calls to ring in softphone” setting so that calls placed to this tracking number will ring in the dialer.
Keeping inbound calls in the dialer queue
By default, if no forwarding number is set on a dialer-enabled call tracking number, it will keep callers in the queue infinitely until an agent is available.
Don’t forget to click the “Save” button once you’ve finished configuring the new tracking number.
Editing/Deactivating Marketing Sources
If you ever need to make any changes to an existing Marketing Source, click on the pencil icon that appears to the right of the source.
To deactivate a Marketing Source, click on the red trash bin icon.
When deleting a Marketing Source, you will be presented with 2 options regarding how you want to delete your source:
Yes, Only Deactivate - This will deactivate the source and keep your tracking numbers active.
Yes, Deactivate & Delete - This will deactivate the source and permanently delete any tracking numbers associated with the source
If you need to reactivate an inactive Marketing Source, turn on the “Show Deactivated Sources” toggle button at the top of the page. The deactivated sources will appear. Use the circular refresh icon to reactivate the source.
Moving Tracking Numbers
While editing a marketing source, you can choose to move specific tracking numbers to another source or delete a tracking number entirely.
To move a tracking number to another source, locate the tracking number and click the arrow icon:
You will then be asked to select the marketing source the tracking number should be moved to and click "Move" to complete the change:
To delete a specific tracking number from a marketing source, click the trash bin icon:
⚠️ Be careful, once you delete a tracking number it will be released from your account and will be available for purchase by another party.
How to Configure Schedule Rules for Tracking Numbers
Need to have calls routed to different numbers depending on the day or time? Legal CRM offers custom schedule rules that can be configured for any tracking numbers.
To get started, navigate to the Schedule Rules tab of the specific marketing source you are editing:
To add a new rule, click the "+ Add Rule" button:
Next, you will need to configure your rule by setting items such as the start day, start time, which tracking number the rule applies to, etc:
Remember to click "Save" to save your changes.
Once you have added your rules, you can always use the Schedule Rules tab to add, edit, or delete rules:
If you need further assistance, then please contact CRM Support to assist you further.
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