Setting Up the Legal CRM Microsoft Office 365 API Integration – For IT Administrative Users Only Follow
Setting Up the Legal CRM Microsoft Office API Integration – For IT Administrative Users Only
⚠️ NOTE: This section requires your IT department or organization’s owner to perform administrative changes inside of your organization’s email domain/Active Directory. You must be an Azure Global Administrator or Exchange administrator for your organization’s email to get into the proper screen.
You only have to do this once to unlock all of the power of the Legal CRM and Microsoft Office 365 integration (Outlook/Word/Excel/PowerPoint).
Expected Time to Complete: 5 Minutes
Level of Difficulty: Beginner to Intermediate
Comments: Watch the video!
As a learning aid, below we provided a lot of step-by-step screenshots to be thorough and provide good explanations for everything, but the video walks you through this integration in 3 minutes. It is a lot easier than it looks in the screenshots.
Table of Contents
Set Up Office 365 In the Legal CRM Microsoft Office API Credentials Screen
Go to Azure Active Directory (Requires Microsoft Azure Admin Access)
Create a Legal CRM App in App Registrations (Azure)
Create a Client Secret Value (Azure)
Add API Permissions and Grant Admin Consent for Word/Excel/PowerPoint (Azure)
Add API Permissions and Manifest for Outlook 365/Exchange (Azure)
Testing the Office 365 Integration
Set Up Office 365 In the Legal CRM Microsoft Office API Credentials Screen
Let's get started. With each Microsoft Exchange email domain, there is another Microsoft website that will be needed to complete this integration named “Azure” which is included by Microsoft at no added charge.
First, in your Legal CRM system, click on “Setup” in the left menu bar > Click on “Microsoft Office API Setup”
The goal is to complete this information in Legal CRM and set up permissions for the “Legal CRM” Microsoft Exchange (Office) permissions to share documents to/from Legal CRM.
You will need to input all of the following information for your Microsoft Office domain:
- Domain Name - the website address for where your Microsoft Exchange is hosted. Do not include subdomains. Example: Legal, not www.Legal CRMorg, and not mail.Legal
- Client ID - the Azure Active Directory Client ID for the Legal CRM application that you will add
- Tenant ID - the Azure Active Directory Tenant ID for the Legal CRM application that you will add
- Client Secret Value - the Azure Active Directory Client Secret Value that you will create for Legal CRM
- Endpoint - leave this as is and do not modify it
Go to Azure Active Directory (Requires Microsoft Azure Admin Access)
First, ask your firm’s IT department to go here:
Then, click on “Portal” in the top-right corner, after signing in.
You may use this link if already signed in:
You will need to click the hamburger icon in the top-left corner to expand the Azure menu. It is hidden by default.
Then, click on “Azure Active Directory”
Create a Legal CRM App in App Registrations (Azure)
Click on “App Registrations”
Click on “New Registration” at the top of the screen.
For the name, you can enter “Legal CRM” and then leave all defaults the same as they were already. Click the blue “Register” button at the bottom of the screen.
Do not modify the “Redirect URI” field. Leave the default settings.
Next, the screen will assign the “Legal CRM” app an Application (Client ID) and a Directory (tenant ID). You will need to copy/paste both these IDs from Azure into Legal CRM’s Graph API setup screen.
⚠️ Warning! This is secret information and should only be copied and pasted from Microsoft to Legal CRM, from one secure application to another. Do not share it with others or email this information/take screenshots of it.
Add API Permissions and Manifest for Outlook 365/Exchange (Azure)
At this time, you should still be in the App Registrations screen and selected on the "Legal CRM" app that you created above.
- On the left menu, click on "Manifest" where we will insert the Microsoft Exchange scope.
- Scroll down to where it says "requiredResourceAccess": [
- Paste the code snippet below from Microsoft into the Manifest. You will have to overwrite the current requiredResourceAccess": [ section. Do not remove any of the squiggly or other brackets.
- Press the 'Save' button at the top after verifying that it is correct.
- NOTE: If the Save button does not appear at the top of the screen, then click 'Discard' at the top of the screen and try again. If you need assistance, please contact Legal CRM Support to do it for you.
Code snippet to copy/paste:
"requiredResourceAccess": [ { "resourceAppId": "00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000", "resourceAccess": [ { "id": "5a54b8b3-347c-476d-8f8e-42d5c7424d29", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "65e50fdc-43b7-4915-933e-e8138f11f40a", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "205e70e5-aba6-4c52-a976-6d2d46c48043", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "863451e7-0667-486c-a5d6-d135439485f0", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "df85f4d6-205c-4ac5-a5ea-6bf408dba283", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "5c28f0bf-8a70-41f1-8ab2-9032436ddb65", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "10465720-29dd-4523-a11a-6a75c743c9d9", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "89fe6a52-be36-487e-b7d8-d061c450a026", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "8019c312-3263-48e6-825e-2b833497195b", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "17dde5bd-8c17-420f-a486-969730c1b827", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "5447fe39-cb82-4c1a-b977-520e67e724eb", "type": "Scope" }, { "id": "7ab1d382-f21e-4acd-a863-ba3e13f7da61", "type": "Role" }, { "id": "19dbc75e-c2e2-444c-a770-ec69d8559fc7", "type": "Role" }, { "id": "01d4889c-1287-42c6-ac1f-5d1e02578ef6", "type": "Role" }, { "id": "75359482-378d-4052-8f01-80520e7db3cd", "type": "Role" }, { "id": "a82116e5-55eb-4c41-a434-62fe8a61c773", "type": "Role" }, { "id": "0c0bf378-bf22-4481-8f81-9e89a9b4960a", "type": "Role" }, { "id": "332a536c-c7ef-4017-ab91-336970924f0d", "type": "Role" }, { "id": "9492366f-7969-46a4-8d15-ed1a20078fff", "type": "Role" } ] }, { "resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", "resourceAccess": [ { "id": "dc890d15-9560-4a4c-9b7f-a736ec74ec40", "type": "Role" } ] } ],
Before adding the code snippet:
After adding the code snippet:
You should see a success message after saving the updated Manifest:
Create a Client Secret Value (Azure)
After you have completed the above steps, and copied the Azure Application (Client ID) and a Directory (tenant ID) into Legal CRM, you will need one more item, the “Client Secret” which is a secret key that will be used by Legal CRM to share documents with your firm’s Microsoft Exchange (Office).
Click on “Certificates & Secrets” on the left menu > click ‘+ New Client Secret”
Then, you will name the “Client Secret” anything that you want for the “Description”
Select “24 Months” for expires > Press the “Add” button
(Zoomed in view)
Next, you will copy/paste this “Client Secret Value” from Azure to the Legal CRM Graph API credentials screen. If you no longer see the “Copy” icon on the “Client Secret Value” then you can create another one anytime and use a new one if the time to copy it has run out. Microsoft only allows you to copy it 1-time. You can create as many secrets as you like. Use the Client Secret Value NOT the Client Secret ID.
⚠️ Warning! This is secret information and should only be copied and pasted from Microsoft to Legal CRM, from one secure application to another. Do not share it with others or email this information/take screenshots of it.
Add API Permissions and Grant Admin Consent (Azure)
On the left menu, click on “API Permissions”
Then, click on the “Microsoft Graph” to select the Grapi (Office 365) API.
You will need to search in the search bar under “Request API Permissions” for “Files” or scroll down in the API Permissions menu.
Next, you must click "Application permissions" on the right side because Legal CRM is an app that needs to access your Office 365 account.
⚠️ Delegated permissions are not the correct choice. You must click Application permissions.
Check the boxes under “Files” then press the “Add Permissions” button at the bottom of the screen to give permission for Legal CRM and Office 365 to allow reading and writing of documents with each other.
- Files.Read.All
- Files.ReadWrite.All
- full_access_as_app (this should already be present from the Manifest section above)
The last step is to "Grant admin consent" for Graph (Office 365 API). This is required for the Office 365 API to be able to properly read and write files with your Legal CRM system.
Click the "Grant admin consent" link at the top of the "API Permissions" screen after adding the permissions.
Then, click "Yes"
We also recommend doing the following in order to prevent any email sync/composing integration issues from conflicting settings with your Microsoft account.
Our current integration uses Modern Authentication but there may be some issues related to Microsoft's basic authentication for EWS being disabled by default.
Step by step:
Visit your admin center -
Go to help & support > search "diag: enable basic auth in exo"
Click Run Tests
Click on Protocols to enable
Select Exchange Web Services and then update settings!
Video guide:
🏁 That is all! Now, your users can start using Office 365 including Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents inside of Legal CRM. Nothing further is needed. Please note: if you have multiple email domains, only one will be supported at this time so make your main domain the primary.
At this time, Legal CRM recommends that you test out the integration to make sure it is working. If not, please recheck your steps above or contact our support team.
Testing the Office 365 Integration
Sync Error - "Authentication is Null"
Another possible error condition is "Authentication token is null" This sync error indicates that the instructions may not have been followed correctly. Usually, this indicates that the application that needed to be set up inside of Azure was given delegate permissions, not admin permissions. Admin permissions are required for Office 365 to be able to sync with Legal CRM. Please check your application settings inside of Azure and verify that the Legal CRM app that you created has admin rights, not delegated permissions.
How to Test the Sync
Inside of the Legal CRM documents system or in any lead/case with an Office document, you will click the "Edit" button on any Office 365 document. If the document opens in Office 365, then it works. If it opens up the Office 365 Wiki popup, then you know it is not configured properly and you will need to recheck the steps above or contact our support team for further assistance.
💡 Remember, due to Microsoft security, you must be signed into a valid email account on the same domain that Microsoft Outlook 365 is hosted on, for the Legal CRM to Office 365 integration to work for you. For example, if you are a third-party IT consultant, and your email is at, and you are trying to test editing Office 365 documents for emails on, then it is not going to work for you.
In this instance, you would have to ask someone with a valid email account at the same email domain as the law firm to try out the integration to let you know that it is working as it should be. Or, ask the law firm to set you up with a test email account on their domain.
Also, test out your Outlook/Exchange Calendar. On the left side of the screen, click on "Events" to go into the Legal CRM calendar.
Make sure that you are able to see your calendar in addition to any shared calendars.
NOTE: Legal CRM does support Shared Calendars, but does not currently support group calendars or recurring events at this time.
Other related articles: There is a tutorial for your users that is available with a video that walks them through the everyday use of the Legal CRM and Microsoft Office 365 integration, as well as tips and tricks on how to use Microsoft Office 365 online.
Please review: Tutorial for Using the Microsoft Office 365 Integration in Legal CRM
If you need further assistance, then please contact Legal CRM Support to assist you further.
🤗 Thank you very much for choosing Legal CRM!
For any support needs regarding Microsoft Office, please contact Microsoft Office support directly since Legal CRM may assist with the integration process but they cannot support the Microsoft Office service. You may access the Microsoft Support Office forum here: