Bank Account Transaction/Ledger/Trust Report Follow
This feature only applies to Law Ruler instances of the CRM.
The CRM's Bank Account Transaction Report is versatile and designed to be used as a trust report, reconciliation report, as well as a ledger report for all transactions that are saved on cases within the CRM system. The report gives firms a detailed view of transactions for each client, by bank account, and could be filtered in many different ways for different purposes. For example, you could filter the report to only output transactions on trust accounts to use it as a Trust Accounting Report.
If you are looking to export or back up your bank transactions, you may also use the report for that purpose.
Using the main navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen, go to “Reports”.
⚠️ Only users with the Reports permission will have access to this screen.
Navigate to the “Bank Account Transaction Report” page.
Bank Account Transaction Report Options and Filters
Once you are in the Bank Account Transaction Report, you have several options to choose from to get the information that you need on your report.
Click the "Run Report" button to run the report based on the filters and options selected. If you would like to change the results, then click the "Cancel" button which will allow you to change the filters/options and run the report again. Rinse and repeat as needed!
- Report Period - This dropdown filter will allow you to select a predefined date range or select "Custom" to enter a custom value in the "Start Date" and "End Date" fields. This will display all transactions per the report filters and the selected date range in the reporting period.
- Bank Accounts - This filter allows you to select 1 or more bank accounts that exist in the system to include in the report results. If you want to create a Trust Report, then limit the bank accounts to only include trust accounts in this filter.
- Only Show Open Balances - This filter is set to the "Off" position by default since a bank account transaction report should show all transactions on bank accounts, per the filters selected.
- Case Types - Select from 1 or more practice areas to filter the report by case type. Default = All.
- Transaction Types - Select from Payments, Deposits, Transfers, etc. Default = All.
- Specific Cases - Search for 1 or more cases to filter the report by specific cases. Default = All.
- Specific Clients - Search for 1 or more clients to filter the report by specific clients. Default = All. The report is organized by Client, so if a client has more than 1 case, then all of their cases on the selected accounts will show in the report results and the report export.
About the Bank Account Transaction Report
The results of the Bank Account Transaction Report will look similar to the following screenshot.
The Bank Account Transaction Report contains all of these metrics and sort filters in each column to allow sorting A to Z (Ascending) or Z to A (Descending) by pressing the arrow icons:
- Date - The transaction date for each transaction listed.
- Paid By - The selected contact name that was selected as the payee of the transaction.
- Paid To - The selected contact name that was selected as the recipient of the transaction (optional).
- Transaction Type - The type of transaction: Payments, Deposits, Adjustments, Transfers, etc.
- Case - This is the Case Name. This is a clickable link if you want to go right into the case.
- Billed Staff User - this is the name of the billed staff user.
- Funds Out - The amount of funds taken out of the account for each transaction, if any.
- Funds In - The amount of funds added to the account for each transaction, if any.
- Balance - The running balance (net of transactions) for the account, based on the included transactions in the report results.
- Closing Balance - The closing balance for Funds Out, Funds In, and the Running Balance for each bank account.
- Client Totals - The total balance for all included transactions in the report results for each Client. This will appear at the end of any accounts/cases that are included in the report results.
NOTE: Clients with multiple cases and accounts will show a Client Total that is bundled together at the end of each client, in the report results.
Exporting the Bank Account Transaction Report
Need to export this report? Click the "Export/Schedule Report" button located at the top of the report screen. In the small pop-up that appears, give the report a name, select the "Export now" option from the "Schedule Frequency" dropdown, and choose at least 1 recipient.
The report will export once in real-time via the Notification Center. When the report is ready, you simply need to click the bell icon in the upper-right corner of your screen to download it!
You will also receive a Notification Center email when the report is ready to download.
You can turn off the email notifications that deliver when a report is ready. Click your user initials bubble in the screen's upper-right corner and go to User Settings > Notification Center > Uncheck the 'Email' checkbox for the Reports notification type.
Automated Delivery of the Bank Account Transaction Report
To schedule this report, start by selecting your report filters/options, and then click "Run Report" to preview the results.
Next, click the "Export/Schedule Report" button. In the small pop-up that appears, give the report a name, select a schedule frequency (daily/weekly/monthly/bi-weekly), and choose at least 1 recipient.
Scheduled Report Options:
- Schedule Name - Name of this report. For example, This Month's Transactions Report, or any name of your choosing. This name will appear in the email subject line of the report delivery.
- Schedule Frequency - Choose from daily, weekly, monthly, or bi-weekly. Depending on the chosen delivery frequency, you will also need to choose the day(s) of the week or the specific day of the month that you want the report to be sent! We recommend reviewing the pop-up to see all the available options.
- Sending Time - This is the time of day when the report will be delivered to you. It is best practice to set this to either late in the day or the start of your day, but you may decide.
- Recipients - Select any active users in your system for report delivery. If you need to add a recipient that is not a user, then type their email address and press the enter key.
If you need further assistance with your CRM system, please reach out to the support team.
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