Time Entries Report / Billing Activity Report for Billable Time Follow
Time Entries Report / Billing Activity Report
⏱️ Looking to track billable activity at your firm? The Legal CRM Time Entries Report (aka Time Entry Report or Billing Activity Report) allows your firm to view any billed and unbilled time entries in the system and apply filters to it. You may also export and schedule this report for automated delivery to your email inbox.
If you are looking to export or backup your time entries/billable activities, then you may also use the report for that purpose.
To access the report, click on the Reports menu in the left menu, then click on Time Entries Report
⚠️ NOTE: This report does require administrative or reports access, so if you do not have that level of access and need it, then contact your firm administrator or IT department.
Time Entries Report - Options and Filters
After you are in the Time Entries Report, you have several options to choose from to get the information that you need on your report.
Click the "Run Report" button to run the report based on your filters/options selected. If you would like to change the results, then press the "Cancel" button and it will allow you to change the filters/options and run the report again. Rinse and repeat as needed.
- Date Range - this dropdown filter will allow you to select a predefined date range.
- From / To - in these columns you can enter a custom value for "Start Date" and "End Date". This will display all time entries per the report filters and the selected date range in the reporting period.
- Time Entry Types - this will allow you to select all, contingency, flat fee, fee-only, hourly, a mix of hourly and flat fee, or pro bono. Default = All.
- Billing Category - select 1 or more billing categories or keyword search them. Default = All.
- Case Types - select from 1 or more practice areas to filter the report by case type. Default = All.
- Specific Cases - search for 1 or more cases to filter the report by specific cases. Default = All.
- Specific Clients - search for 1 or more clients to filter the report by. Default = All.
- Billed Staff Users - search for 1 or more users to filter the report by specific users. Default = All.
- BIlled Status - select between billed, unbilled, or all. Default = All.
About the Time Entries Report
The report results for the Time Entries Report will look similar to this screenshot
(you may need to zoom in your web browser to see the individual columns):
The Time Entries Report contains all of these metrics and sort filters in each column to allow sorting A to Z (Ascending) or Z to A (Descending) by pressing the arrow icons:
- Date - the transaction date for each transaction listed
- Case - this is the Case Name. This is a clickable link if you want to go right to the case.
- Billed Staff User - this is the name of the billed staff user.
- Time Entry Type - the time entry type: contingency, flat fee, fee-only, hourly, a mix of hourly and flat fee, or pro bono.
- Billing Category - the billing category for each time entry.
- Description - the description that the user typed in for the time entry.
- Duration - the units of time for the time entry.
- Rate - the billable hourly rate, if any, for the time entry.
- Total Time - the total billable time for the case.
- Billed - the amount of time that was billed on the case.
- Unbilled - the amount of time that is available to be billed on the case.
Exporting the Time Entries Report
Need to export a report? Legal CRM's Time Entries Report includes an Export button that will use your on-screen/current report filters and export the results into Excel onto your device. To run an exported report, click the "Export" button after first running the report.
Automated Delivery of the Time Entries Report
Need a weekly or monthly time entry report sent to you? Legal CRM has you covered. There is no need to run the report daily, weekly, or monthly if you want to get it delivered to your email inbox automatically each day, week, or month.
💡 Scheduled reports always have an exported Excel version of the report attached to the email delivery.
To begin creating a scheduled report, select your report options/filters, and then click "Export/Schedule Report" to preview the results. For example, select a Start Date that goes back 1 year. Then, click "Schedule Frequency" and select daily, weekly, or monthly as shown below.
Scheduled Report Options:
- Schedule Name - name this report, for example, Monthly Trust Report, or Weekly Billing Activity Report, or any name of your choosing. This name will appear in the email subject line of the report delivery.
- Schedule Frequency - choose from daily, weekly, monthly, or biweekly.
- Recipients - select from any active users in your system for report delivery. If you need to add a recipient that is not a user, then type their email address in, and then press the comma or enter key.
If you need further assistance, then please contact Legal CRM Support to assist you further.
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