Using the NEW! Customer Screen and the Customer Ribbon Follow
Legal CRM's Customer Screen and Customer Ribbon make navigating and managing your customer records easy and more efficient!
Walkthrough Video:
What is the Customer Screen?
The Customer Screen is a new feature that always allows you to see which customer you are working with and the important details as well as actions at all times. Always available when viewing or editing a customer, there are several screen elements that will appear at the top and right side of the screen.
The Customer Screen contains the following elements, some of which are customizable:
- Customer Ribbon
- Vitals
- Action Menu
- Contact Information
- Upcoming Calendar Events
- Recent Activity
What is the Customer Ribbon?
The Customer Ribbon shows the following information at all times in view-only mode for easy reference:
- The customer name (the primary contact)
- The practice area (AKA case type) for this customer
- The current status of this customer
- The case name (this is only visible if you use the Cases module and the record is made a case)
- The date that this customer record was created
- The lead ID number
- The case ID number (this is only visible if you use the Cases module and the record is made a case)
- The third-party case number (this is only visible if there is third-party cases software used)
In addition, the Customer Ribbon also contains an important feature that is fully customizable known as "Vitals" Vitals is a feature that allows you to highlight important information for easy reference at the top of the Customer Screen (lead/case screen) in the Customer Ribbon. When viewing a customer in the lead/case/matter screen, AKA the "Customer Screen" you will always see the Customer Ribbon at the top of the screen. Vitals are on the right side of the Customer Ribbon, as shown above.
💡 See this article for a more detailed explanation of How to Use and Setup Vitals
What is the Action Menu?
To the right of the Customer Ribbon, you will see the Action Menu and three other points of interest that will remain fixed in place while working inside of each customer.
💡 Click on the Action Menu to see the options that are available to you for easy access.
Note: there may be different options in the Action Menu if you have the legal CRM integrated with third-party practice management software. Also, some of the options in the Action Menu may not be visible if you do not have user permissions to perform certain actions.
Below the Action Menu, there are two points of interest that will provide you with constant updates on the particular customer that you are working on. These panels will update if any changes are made by yourself or other users while you are in the record. You cannot see these options while the Action Menu is expanded, so click on the Action Menu to collapse it.
Contact Information
The Contact Information view is there for easy access to contact information for the primary contact. These will contain the following information and features:
- Click-to-Call
- Click-to-Text Message (SMS)
- Click-to-Email
- View the customer's address, language, local time, preferred contact method, and time of day to contact
Upcoming Events
Below the Contact Information view, any upcoming events for this customer will be shown. This mini view will only show upcoming events and will not show past events. If you would like to jump to the Calendar grid view to see all events, then click the right arrow icon, as shown below. This panel will update as changes are made in this customer.
If you need further assistance, then please contact Legal CRM Support to assist you further.
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