Marketing Expenses & Marketing Sources ROI Report Follow
The Marketing Expenses Report serves as a tool for tracking monthly expenditures for each individual marketing source that generates leads for your firm and directs them to your Legal CRM portal. Meanwhile, the Marketing Sources ROI Report provides valuable insights on the return on investment (ROI) of these sources by factoring in both cost and estimated lead value.
In order to accurately run the Marketing Sources ROI Report, you will first need to update the Marketing Expenses Report.
Marketing Expenses Report
Using the blue menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click on “Reports”. Only users with the Reports user permission will have access to this screen.
Navigate to the “Marketing Expenses Report” page.
At the top of the page, you will see a bar graph. The x-axis will display the name of each marketing source in your portal, and the y-axis will represent how much money the firm is spending on those sources. By default, the graph will display the current month’s data. However, you can certainly use the date range filters on the upper-right corner to change the range of the report.
Beneath the bar graph, there will be a section called “Marketing Expenses”. This is where you will enter in the amount of dollars that are being spent on each source. Please note that this is a monthly report, so you will only want to enter in the amount spent for the given month. Once you’ve entered the monthly expenses for each source, be sure to click the “Update Expenses” button at the bottom in order to save your changes.
Note: Since the Marketing Expenses Report is a monthly report, it is strongly recommended that you update this report on a monthly basis to ensure the most accurate reporting results.
After the Marketing Expenses Report has been updated, you will be ready to run the Marketing Sources ROI Report.
Marketing Sources ROI Report
Using the blue menu on the left-hand side of the screen, click on “Reports”.
Navigate to the “Marketing Sources ROI Report” page.
At the top of the page, you will be able to apply a date range to the report as well as any of the available filters. If you forgot to update the marketing expenses prior, there will be a button called “Add Marketing Expenses” that will take you to the Marketing Expenses Report page mentioned above.
The graph that is shown will be updated to display the data represented by the date range and any filters applied. The x-axis will show the name of each marketing source in your portal, and the y-axis will represent how many leads from those sources have been converted to clients.
Beneath the graph you will see a table that provides details regarding each source and the respective expenditure. The following is a description of the columns shown on the table:
Source: This is the name of the marketing source.
UTM Medium: This metric displays any and all UTM medium parameters that have been associated with the marketing source.
UTM Campaign: This metric displays any and all UTM campaign parameters that have been associated with the marketing source.
UTM Term: This metric displays any and all UTM term parameters that have been associated with the marketing source.
New/Open: This metric displays the number of "open" leads you have received from a specific marketing source and relates to your dashboard categories. Please note, Legal CRM allows users to rename their dashboard categories, so you may see a different column header displayed in your specific portal.
Wanted/Chasing: This metric displays the number of "wanted" leads you have received from a specific marketing source and relates to your dashboard categories. Please note, Legal CRM allows users to rename their dashboard categories, so you may see a different column header displayed in your specific portal.
Clients: This metric displays the number of "clients" you have received from a specific marketing source and relates to your dashboard categories. Please note, Legal CRM allows users to rename their dashboard categories, so you may see a different column header displayed in your specific portal.
For more information about Legal CRM's Dashboard categories, please click here.
Cost Per Client: This metric displays the cost per client per source.
Cost Per Lead: This metric displays the cost per lead per source.
Total Estimated Case Value: This is the total of the estimated case value data that was entered by your team for all leads and cases from a marketing source.
Total Marketing Expenses: This is the total of the marketing expenses data that was entered by your team for all leads and cases from a marketing source. This metric pulls directly from the Marketing Expenses Report referenced earlier.
Total Case Expenses: This is the total of expenses for all leads and cases from a marketing source.
Total Net ROI: This metric displays the value of the total estimated case values for a marketing source, subtracted by the total case expenses and the total marketing expenses. -
To download this report select the “Export/Schedule Report” option.
If you would like to schedule this report so that it is automatically delivered, click on the “Schedule Report” button. In the small pop-up that appears, you will be able to give the report a name, select the delivery frequency, the time of day when the report should be delivered, and enter the email addresses of any individuals who should receive this report. Lastly, click the “Save” button to schedule the report.
If you need further assistance with your Legal CRM system, then please contact Legal CRM Support.
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