Web/Desktop App - Version History (Change Log) Follow
🚀 😎 Welcome to the Legal CRM change log for the Web/Desktop browser version!
About the Change Log
This page will be used to share ongoing changes made inside of Legal CRM as they are published. If you have any feature requests to make the Legal CRM even better, then please let us know by reaching out to your account manager/support.
Version 5.0.14 - 1/30/25
Misc Updates:
- Updated the paired email/calendar sync integration to the latest vendor API version.
- This may required some users to re-sync their email accounts in user settings. A banner will be displayed to users that have to reconnect.
- Added the Microsoft 365 secret key expiration date on Setup > Microsoft Office API Setup.
- Made improvements to the date/time filters in ApiNewsfeed/GetNewsfeed.
- Made improvements when searching for contacts in the related contacts tab.
- Resolved an issue where the Block caller feature was not working on CRM Cases.
- Resolved misc backend errors / Made optimizations to backend processes.
Version - 12/19/24
Misc Updates:
- Resolved a display issue where the timestamp for notes was not displaying.
- Resolved a display issue where pinned notes were not all showing on page 1 of the notes tab.
- Resolve an issue where the Legal CRM upload note attachment option was not displaying case files to attach from.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.13 - 12/18/24
Misc Updates:
- Added more logging to the workflow tab of the automation campaign.
- Added a new UI column in the Microsoft Office API Setup to see the client secret expiration date.
- Made improvements to the note search page.
- Made improvements to the CRM Dialer for call transfers.
- Resolved an issue with the <<Pay Retainer>> merge code (LR Cases features).
- Resolved an issue where pasting a phone number in Keypad field was not allowing the call transfer button to be enabled.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version - 12/3/24
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an issue where manually sending e-sign's were failing if you had additional email contacts in the "Who will receive the signed retainer" notification setting.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.12 - 12/2/24
New Updates:
- Added the ability to use a QR code to access the online intake form / New lead form
- Added new SMS compliancy error notification emails.
Misc Updates:
- Updated the Law Ruler billing portal URL.
- Made an improvement to the inbox search.
- Made improvements to the import wizard processing.
- Resolved a sending issue with new user account emails/password reset emails/site notifications on some portals.
- Resolved an issue where new conditional logic statements were not saving in some instances.
- Resolved an issue where international cellphone numbers when passed via API were not saving in the contact correctly.
- Resolved a logging issue where when some tasks were completed there would be duplicate activity logs.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.11 - Build 2024.1114.3.0 - 11/14/24
Misc Updates:
- Optimized and significantly improved performance on the related contacts tab.
- Resolved an issue where the enter key when pressed in text boxes was not creating a new line.
- Resolved an issue where some system dropdown were not loading with the latest version of Google Chrome.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.11 - 11/13/24
New Updates:
- New Feature! Webhooks Integration Tool (beta): Easily connect your Legal CRM to external applications with our new Webhooks feature! Automate data sharing and document posting triggered by status updates, streamlining your workflows and enhancing integration possibilities.
For more information on how you can get access to this upcoming feature please reach out to your account manager / support.
Misc Updates:
- Made UI improvements to user inbox/custom report layouts for User Roles - Custom labels. When renaming a field such as the Lead Owner, the label will also be updated in the layouts.
- Made improvements to the time entries report when exporting a large date range.
- Made improvements to the related contacts tab regarding leads that have a lot of related contacts.
- Resolved an issue were SOL mapped intake form dates fields were not automatically updating the SOL key date.
- Resolved an UI issue with dark mode and default note text.
- Resolved an issue where custom report excel files were generating an file error when opening on some version of Mac.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.10 - 10/28/24
Misc Updates:
- Added a Lead/Case ID column into the exported SOL date report (this info was already present in the grid view, just not the export).
- Made UI improvements when pasting in outside formatted content into a note.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.9 - 10/14/24
Misc Updates:
- Made improvements to the import module lead creation process.
- Made improvements to the conditional logic default loading in the form builder.
- Certain fields filled out via API were not loading the logic unless updated via a user.
- Resolved an issue where the default intake form PDF was exporting blank.
- Resolved an issue in the milestone module where tasks were duplicating when created.
- Resolved a display issue where the default DropboxSign status for pending was not showing the e-sign status grid.
- Resolved a display issue where the case description activity log was duplicating on save.
- Resolved an inbox display issue when applying a filter on a page that returns fewer results than the current page, the Inbox will show 0 results.
- Resolved a Legal CRM to Cosmolex conversion error.
- Resolved misc UI/Display errors.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.8 - 9/25/24
Misc Updates:
- Added validation into the manage users page for admins trying to add a new user that has a deactivated account already.
- Added logging into the conditional logic setup page.
- Made improvements to the note tagging feature.
- Resolved an in the global task page when filtering by a custom date range.
- Resolved misc UI/Display errors.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
- Removed the attn needed legacy field from custom layouts.
Version 5.0.7 - 9/11/24
Misc Updates:
- Added logging for user layout changes.
- Increased the max character limit to 120 for the case name field (Law Ruler Cases).
- Resolved an issue where tasks without a task priority were erroring when edited/saved.
- Resolved an reporting discrepancy with the numbers in the explore view in the appointment tracker on the dashboard.
- Resolved misc UI/Display errors.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.6 - 8/27/24
New Updates:
- Added the ability to automatically convert a Legal CRM lead to a case via an automation campaign.
Misc Updates:
- Increased the default character limited from 64 to 120 for the case name field.
- Added additional user activity logging to invoice reminder settings.
- Added additional user activity logging to the global task page.
- Added additional user activity logging to the automation campaign page.
- Resolved an issue where printed intake forms with custom layouts were not generating with the default export template (if enabled).
- Resolved a display issue related to PDF exports with merged data.
- Resolved an issue in the import module where the county field was not setting in the contact.
- Resolved misc UI/Display errors.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.5 - 8/12/24
Misc Updates:
- Added validation in cc & bcc email automation settings.
- Resolved an issue in the Rocket Matter integration where documents were not transferring over to converted RM matters.
- Resolved an issue in the medical records report where the order date link was not taking you to the lead's record tab.
- Resolved an issue where intake form answers filled out by a client in the online form were logging as "system" for case type changes.
- Resolved a issue where the call report sorting only worked for the current page, not all pages.
- Resolved an inbox filtering issue where updating filters on different pages were not resetting you back to page one. You were unable to see any results if the number of pages were less then the original applied filter.
- Resolved a misc phone number masking issue that was preventing the ability to manually send e-signs.
- Resolved a display issue in the lead inbox where the lead lock filter was missing.
- Resolved a display issue in the print queue page where the printed documents count was not updating.
- Resolved a display issue in the exported notes PDF.
- Resolved a display issue in the lead conversion dashboard exported PDF.
- Resolved a text wrap display issue where the full year was not shown correctly in last edited by column in the email-campaign grid.
- Resolved a display issue in the contact information section of a lead where if you updated the area code of the primary phone field, it was not showing the updated local time unless you refresh the page.
- Resolved a misc intake form text formatting issue.
- Resolved misc CRM dialer issues.
- Resolved misc UI/Display errors.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.4 - 7/24/24
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an issue with merging the estimated case value field. Previously it did not include commas. It now does.
- Resolved a PDF format/display issue with the completed online intake form email attachment.
- Resolved an rare download issue with the print form export PDF.
- Resolved an preview issue using the view button in the global document page.
- Resolved misc CRM dialer issues.
- Resolved misc UI/Display errors.
Version 5.0.3 - 7/11/24
New Updates:
- Added a new restriction in the lead lock feature.
- Non-admins cannot send out e-signs when the record is locked as well now.
Misc Updates:
- Added validation in order to delete a key date.
- Add validation in billing categories to not allow for duplicate billing codes.
- Added a backend handler to deactivate the new lead online intake form URL if the case type connected to it is deactivated.
- Unlocked TimeSolv as a global setting billing option if using Rocket Matter as a CMS.
- Improved the Law Pay payment workflow for declined/failed transactions.
- Resolved an issue where the email logs were not showing the number of attachments sent.
- Resolved an issue where the lead's idle time was not updating when some custom field types were updated.
- Resolved misc UI/Display errors.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.2 - 6/26/24
Misc Updates:
- Added back the ability to update/change the file on existing e-sign templates.
- Optimized the milestone report processing.
- Improved the lead/case intake form mandatory field navigation. Often users were not able to click on the "Send form" button without getting a required field validation warning.
- Resolved an issue in the lead conversion dashboard with the "Today" date range filter.
- Resolved an issue where static/read-only PDF merge fields in document templates were not merging anymore.
- Resolved an issue where newly created leads that had the contact type as "business" did not have the name included in new lead notifications emails and SMS.
- Resolved a display issue in the notification center where a lead's contact that was set as "Individual" was displaying the business name (if populated).
- Resolved an issue where renamed document files were not retaining their updated filed names when the files were sent through emails triggered via automation. The file name attached to the email was the original file name.
- Resolved an issue related to updated snooze days global settings configuration.
- Resolved a misc undefined layout issue with inbox saved filters.
- Resolved misc CRM dialer issues.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0.1 - 6/13/24
New Updates:
- Added the ability to search by contact ID in the advanced API (SearchInboxItems).
- Added the ability to search by custom field ID in the advanced API (SearchInboxItems).
- Added the ability to search by case description in the advanced API (SearchInboxItems).
- Added the ability to search by tag ID in the advanced API (SearchInboxItems).
- Added the ability to update the office location ID on a record in the advanced API (PostLead).
- Added layout ID to the GetList endpoint in the advanced API.
- Enabled the "Try it" button in the Swagger advanced API documentation.
Misc Updates:
- Unlocked the ability to deactivate default statuses that are not connected to any system feature.
- Added validation for pinned records in the pipeline view.
- Added improvements to the Rocket Matter integration: RM Task due dates on newly converted cases from CRM will now show the correct date.
- Removed the ability to update/change the file on existing e-sign templates. A new template will now need to be created.
- Resolved an issue where the CloudFlare DDOS protection was causing some system latency depending on region, at different times of the day.
- Resolved an issue where the CloudFlare DDOS protection was sending out new device login emails when signing in from an existing device.
- Resolved an image hosting issue where the firm logo was displaying as Law Ruler in some email logs and sent emails. All past sent logos will automatically display the correct logo.
- Resolved an issue where special characters in the firm name would cause manually sent e-sign emails to fail.
- Resolved an issue where hardcoded values in PDF document templates were getting cleared.
- Resolved an issue where admins were not able to upload PDF document templates that did not have any merge fields.
- Resolved misc CRM dialer issues.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 5.0 - 6/4/24
New Updates:
- Added a new Lead Lock Feature - Allow only admin users to update specific records!
- Added a link to the Law Ruler billing portal for admin users in the setup menu.
Misc Updates:
- Improved backend code structure.
- Resolved an issue in the email tab of a record. When the Print to PDF" option is clicked, the generated PDF was cutting off the right margin and contents of some emails.
- Resolved an issue where the usage breakdown report was not showing metrics on longer date ranges.
- Resolved misc UI issues.
- Resolved misc CRM dialer issues.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.4.7 - 5/16/24
- Resolved misc CRM dialer issues.
Version - 5/8/24
- Resolved an issue where some cases details fields in the overview tab were not saving.
- Resolved an misc. issue regarding the lead inbox export.
Version 4.4.6 - 5/7/24
Misc Updates:
- Made improvements to case description logging so that if no data is cleared, it will no longer log as “deleted” by a user.
- Made processing improvements to the standard API.
- Updated the firm drop down styling on our esign report.
- Resolved an issue where call greeting audio files fails to play if there is a space in the file name .
- Resolved an issue where adding an “&” symbol in written text call greetings would cause a call failure.
- Resolved an online Intake form Zip/Phone field masking issue on certain browsers.
- Resolved a display issue here the email log cuts off while scrolling.
- Resolved an issue with the inbox sort for the attorney field (cases).
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version - 4/17/24
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an issue where signed e-sign notifications were not sending.
- Resolved an issue related to spire.net warnings showing on files.
Version 4.4.5 - 4/16/24
New Updates:
- Added the ability to filter by CaseTypes in the advanced API custom report endpoint.
Misc Updates:
- Added better logging for abandoned non-Dialer calls.
- Added UI label improvements to the lead conversion dashboard.
- Optimized lead creation logging for new calls.
- Optimized our backend email & sms opt-in/out process.
- Optimized our backend custom report creation process where some reports were not sending due to user defined custom fields had no labels.
- Resolved a new user password validation issue.
- Resolved a date picker display issue in custom reports.
- Resolved a display issue where sending manually composed emails were displaying the primary contact more than once.
- Resolved Misc Legal CRM Dialer automated processes.
- Resolved an issue where DNI tracking pools were not properly setting specific values.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.4.4 - 4/3/24
Misc Updates:
- Improved white-labeled branding for Legal CRM.
- Added additional logging in the manage users page.
- Added word wrap to paragraph fields inside the lead inbox default list view.
- Added the ability to get office location IDs in the advanced API APIList endpoints.
- Added an additional handler to the import module contact import type for invalid state values.
- Resolved a pairing issue with the Clio Manage integration.
- Resolved an issue with tracking number scheduled rules.
- Resolved a rare intake form display error where tabs were duplicating.
- Resolved an issue with payment plans on invoices where you could not select any options for client and invoice.
- Resolved an advanced API issue where the GetLead API endpoint was not showing Tags data.
Version - 3/20/24
Misc Updates:
- Resolved a loading/display issue in the Dashboard explore metrics.
- Resolved an issue where Prevail integration customers could not export to Prevail.
- Resolved a display issue where the primary contact address was not visible in the contact pop-up/module.
- Resolved a display issue where the lead status was not reflecting the current status in some instances from what the inbox was showing.
- Resolved an issue where searching an automation campaign name was displaying HTML elements in the campaign grid.
- Resolved an issue where some users without reports permissions could see the reports menu item.
Version 4.4.3 - 3/19/24
New Updates:
- Added a new inbox view: Pipeline - Inbox Feature for Legal CRM
- Added better logging for case type settings changes.
Misc Updates:
- Improved our backend database structure.
- Improved our custom report performance.
- Improved lead activity logging for the new lead online intake form.
- Resolved an issue in the new intake page where the default status was not setting to New lead if your New lead status was renamed.
- We also updated the status sort order from to A-Z vs Z-A.
- Resolved a field masking issue for certain default fields such as SSN and DOB. In some devices/browsers the masking was not displaying.
- Resolved an issue where vitals were not refreshing when a lead is converted to a case to display case vitals. Previously you would have to refresh the page to see the case vitals.
- Resolved an issue with the related contacts address block modifier. It was not properly creating the contact's address in a block format.
- Resolved a rare composing an email issue where users are unable to select recipients.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
- Marketing report error.
- Scheduled dashboard report error.
- Automation campaign error.
Version 4.4.2 - 2/29/24
New Updates:
- Added spam protection to the lead inbox export button.
- Users can only queue 1 inbox export at a time. You must wait to receive your initial export before requesting additional ones.
- This prevents users from requesting duplicate inbox exports.
- Added email formatting validation for reports that need to send to more then 1 recipient in the custom report scheduling options.
- Updated the lead inbox “Record Type” filter to match dashboard categories labels in global settings.
- Added the ability to remove tags via the Advanced API
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an issue related to document creation in the Office 365 integration.
- Resolved an issue sorting via contact type on the contacts page.
- Resolved an issue regarding URL encoded API posts where leads that were passed with invalid data were creating duplicate leads.
- Resolved an inbox “unable to process” error when a user changes pages
- Improved tracking number call greetings when a call is forwarded.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.4.1 - 2/8/24 & 2/14/24
New Updates:
- Added a Lead ID column to the E-sign report export.
- Added a Case Type column to the Newsfeed export.
- Added a Lead ID column to the text messages grid.
- When viewing the global text message page you can use this column to tell the difference between two leads that share the same contact record.
Misc Updates:
- Significantly improved our scheduled report export generation time.
- Improved call tracking activity logging.
- Implemented spam-validation for the export now button in the lead inbox.
- Implemented spam-validation for the add note button in the lead inbox.
- Updated the date picker in the advanced search page.
- Resolved misc dialer UI issues.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.4.0 - 1-15-23
New Updates:
- Added white to the system status color palette.
- Added a case type column to the medical records report.
- Added pairing improvements to the Legal CRM/RM integration.
- Added improvements to the hide all conditional logic statements.
- Added the ability to pass a Lead ID parameter via Appointlet Classic.
- For more information please see the following guide.
- Added question mapping improvements to the Legal CRM/RM integration.
- Added improvements to the way custom field data saves for specific data types.
Misc Updates:
- Resolved a sorting issue in the case expenses report.
- Resolved an issue related to data population for custom print form templates.
- Resolved a formatting issue for values passed with multiple capital characters via API.
- Resolved an issue where subtasks were not triggering for automations triggered on cases.
- Resolved an issue where some filters were not working in the lead conversion dashboard.
- Resolved a display issue on the online intake form where the tab header text did not match the header of the page.
- Resolved an issue where all email recipients were not cc’d within the compose email page after pressing the “reply all” button.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.3.9 - 12-26-23
New Updates:
- Added the ability to set a default ad campaign via any call tracking number!
- Added intake form field save validation.
- We now will display a warning message if there are ever any issues with a field not being able to be saved.
- Such as a browser side issue, internet issue, or even if an issue is found with the inputted data itself.
- Added a new leads API parameter for passing a custom lead created date
- Parameter name: leadcreateddate
- Improved the lead/case inbox export process.
- All inbox reports will now generate in the background vs in your browser, this will prevent your browser from freezing if you are exporting large amounts of data.
- You will now get notified via the bell icon when your inbox export is ready.
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an issue with the tagged note notification reply button.
- Resolved an issue with the case expense report custom date range filter.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.3.8 - 12-11-23
New Updates:
- Introducing our new AI Email Writer!
At its core, the AI Email Writer harnesses the power of machine learning and natural language processing. It analyzes vast amounts of data and learns individual writing styles, tone preferences, and content structures. This enables the AI Writer to generate tailored email drafts that resonate with recipients while maintaining the unique voice of the sender.
- The call report now displays the names of all available agents with the correct lead permissions to accept the inbound call.
- The edit print form layout feature in the online intake form page now has a new option to not append the default intake form questions.
- By default this option is enabled as it currently is. If you would like to remove the auto-population of the full intake form on your custom printed form layout you can unselect this option
- By default this option is enabled as it currently is. If you would like to remove the auto-population of the full intake form on your custom printed form layout you can unselect this option
Misc Updates:
- Made optimizations to frontend call center agent dialer inbound call processes
- Made optimizations to backend call center agent dialer processes
- Resolved an issue where copying specific questions was copying all conditional logic statements instead of just the statements related to the questions you copied
- Resolved an display issue in the email blast metrics grid and lead email logs for marketing emails triggered to Legal CRM Cases not showing
- Resolved a backend error regarding the online intake form
- Resolved misc backend errors
Version 4.3.7 - 11-14-23
Misc Updates:
- Made optimizations to backend scheduled email & task processes
- Made optimizations to backend call center agent dialer processes
- Resolved an issue with case expense attachments
- Resolved an issue with gmail calendar event syncing
- Resolved an inbox/layout error related to deleted key date fields
- Resolved an mobile app redirect issue for the global documents URL feature
- Resolved an issue where conditional logic for drop-downs were not working properly on initial load
- Resolved an issue where calendar events created by deactivated users were not able to show/process
Version 4.3.6 - 11-2-23
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an issue regarding adding related contacts.
- Resolved an template issue with some 2 signer contracts.
- Resolved an issue where some paired email accounts were not sending manually composed emails.
- Resolved an issue where internal only headers were showing on the new lead online intake form.
- Resolved an issue where the online intake form print PDF option was displaying internal only fields.
- Resolved an issue where the number of columns did not match on the new lead online intake form.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.3.5 - 10-18-23
New Updates:
- Added the ability to copy intake form questions to the global "All" case type.
Misc Updates:
- Added backend dialer improvements.
- Resolved and issue on the agenda page where pressing the "+" button on the task panel would not open the add task pop-up.
- Resolved a report generating issue in the agent call center metrics report.
Version 4.3.3 - 9-21-23
New Updates:
- New! Online New Lead Intake Form Feature
- Introducing our Online New Lead Intake Form which is designed to auto capture leads seamlessly with out having to use any 3rd party form or integration tools! Just generate an New Lead Online Public Form Link and start having your new leads auto populate in the CRM today!
- The full guide can be found here: Seamless Lead Capture: Discover Our Online New Lead Intake Form Feature
- Updated Call Reporting
- We have added new columns into the call report for better call details!
- Instead of just a "Caller ID" field we now have a the standard "To" & "From" columns.
- Added "Ring Time"! This is the amount of time that the caller header hold/ringing music before being transferred to an agent.
- An Updated call report guide can be found here: Call Report and Agent Metrics Report
- We have added new columns into the call report for better call details!
- Updated Lead Activity Reporting for Calls
- Call logging details have been improved and will now show the "To" & "From" phone number details.
Version 4.3.2 - Releasing 8-22-23
New Updates:
- Added backend dialer improvements.
- Added better logging in the schedule report manager.
- Added column header improvements to scheduled report exports.
- Updated the maximum expense file upload size from 5MB to 1024MB (site default)
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an UI issue with the call monitoring notification bar.
- Resolved a workflow issue when a user tries to deactivate case roles.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version - Released 8-3-23 & 8-7-23 (remaining sites)
New Updates:
- Added spell check to the the SMS input field inside a record.
- Added the ability to choose minutes for appointment reminders.
Added the ability to update the "All (default)" event type rule to have no status change/a specific status change. This prevents admins to have to configure multiple rules.
Misc Updates:
- Added UI improvements to the online intake form formatting.
- Resolved an issue where custom US state drop downs were missing the "is equal to/ is not equal to" conditional logic Default option.
Version 4.3.0 - Released 7-20-23
Misc Updates:
- Added a handler to reattempt downloading call recordings in the event our call provider fails to upload.
- Improved the Prevail integration by preventing passing invalid characters that could break the XML.
- Improved the header formatting on report exports.
- Resolved an issue with the file uploader intake form field type.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version - Released 6-19-23
New Updates:
- Introduced our Legal CRM Chat GPT v1!
- For more information please review our full article here!
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an issue related to sending existing invoices via email.
Version 4.2.7 - Released 6-15-23
New Updates:
- Added a new notification type for admin users!
- Admin users can choose to receive notifications if any call tracking number gets blocked when calling a lead/case.
- Note: This setting was enabled for all admin users when this feature was rolled out. This can be manually turned off in user settings.
- An outbound call can be blocked in the following ways (more information for the block as well will be included in the email notification):
- If the lead's carrier/provider choses to block your call
- If our telecom provider flags your number as high risk
- If you are calling an international number that is not supported
- An outbound call can be blocked in the following ways (more information for the block as well will be included in the email notification):
Misc Updates:
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.2.6 - Released 6-05-23
Misc Updates:
- Updated TrialWorks integration.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.2.5 - Released 5-24-23
Misc Updates:
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.2.4 - Released 5-12-23
Misc Updates:
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.2.3 - Released 5-1-23
New Updates:
- Added the ability to add a task from the inbox.
Misc Updates:
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.2.2 - Released 4-18-23
Misc Updates:
- Updated all scheduled reports that have not yet been updated yet to have the latest export pop-up.
- For more information please see point 6 https://support.lawruler.com/hc/en-us/articles/4403395044883-Status-Report .
- Prevail Integration Update! - Modified the integration to work with SFTP.
- Added Date of Death to the list of available layout fields.
- Added improved data-saving handling on the online intake form.
- Resolved an issue when copying campaigns.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.2.1 - Released 4-5-23
Misc Updates:
- Adding better handling to the e-sign document builder to prevent contracts from reverting any recent changes or causing issues with documents that get edited during a vendor outage.
- Added logging for changes to global snooze time.
- Improved the intake from builder page load.
- Improved inbox page loading for specific types of layouts that would cause the page to load slowly.
- Resolved a time conversion issue in the notification center notification for task due time.
- Resolved an issue where certain users could not be deactivated in manage users.
- Resolved an issue with the gender field mapped in the intake form not updating.
- Resolved an issue with the call report not exporting if the lead source filter was applied.
- Resolved an issue with date fields in vitals.
- Resolved an issue where task notifications for tasks assigned to groups were not notifying everyone in the group.
- Resolved an issue with task notifications when the due date gets updated.
- Resolved an issue where unchecking send SMS checkbox in the e-sign pop-up would still send the SMS.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.2.0 - Released 3-23-23
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an issue with searching for specific mail merge codes in the field selector.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.1.20 - Released 3-15-23
Misc Updates:
- Resolved a timezone-related issue with task notification reminders triggering earlier than the due date.
- Resolved an intermittent issue in the exported intake form .PDF where the question/answers had some display(formatting) issues.
- Resolved an issue in the import module for the "Office Location" and "Call Outcome" fields where values were not updating.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.1.19 - Released 3-6-23
Misc Updates:
- Added a new field for the E-Sign sent date in custom layouts.
- Added a new option in the E-Sign delivery settings to turn off automatic status changes for sent e-signs.
- Added logging for XML response posts in the API log.
- Made updates/improvements to the contact opt-out/in process.
- Made improvements to intake form answer logging.
- Resolved an issue where call outcome updates were logging as IDs.
- Resolved a display issue where specific CMS-based statuses were showing on the settings page although they were unable to be used inside a lead/case.
- Resolved an issue where gender was not passing through API posts.
- Resolved a misc custom field masking issue.
- Resolved an issue where related contacts were not available when composing an email.
- Resolved an issue on creation with custom key date intake form fields.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
Version 4.1.18 - Released 2-22-23
Misc Updates:
- Made Improvements to the Email Marketing Module.
- Made improvements to outbound queued call sequences.
- Resolved a display issue in the online intake form where there were large blank spaces between fields.
- Resolved an issue on the All Tasks page.
- When marking tasks as completed, the system was taking users back to the first page of tasks instead of remaining on the same page where the tasks were marked as completed.
- Resolved an issue where the default SSN and DOB (Date of Birth) fields were no longer mapping to the Medical Records Ordering section of the customer screen.
- Resolved an issue where scheduled reports were not delivered if the recipients configured were separated by a space.
- Resolved two issues with tagging users in notes.
If you were typing a note and you started to tag someone without inserting a space between the tag and the text, the system was deleting the text that was typed with the tag.
If you tagged someone but then deleted the tag, the text that is typed afterward was blue instead of black. The system was retaining the color of the tag instead of using black for the text.
- Resolved an issue where some group members were not getting text message notifications for sms replies
- This was due to a user permission conflict where the group users were assigned to leads that they did not have permission to view.
- Resolved a UI blur pop-up issue when transferring a record.
- Resolved a text overlap issue in the contact information section.
- Resolved misc backend errors.
- Added validation for the bank account page for the "Account type" field.
- Updated the activity log to log as "system" rather than "user" for schedule rules that change the assignee to a group.
- Removed legacy fields from referral firm settings.
- Restrict View
Webhook/Posting Link
Security Key
- Restrict View
Version - Released 2-10-23
New Updates:
We made improvements to the latest export feature based on client feedback. We have updated our support articles to explain how to use the export tools with the latest changes in place.
Status report:
Custom report:
- Scheduled reports & Instant reports sent via email are now back to sending with attachments.
- Note: Any scheduled report exports that exceed 25MB in file size will not be able to be attached to the email. Instead, a download link will be included in the email. This link will be accessible to anyone who is cc'd.
- Updated the "One Time" export feature name to "Export now". This option allows users to generate this file in real time via the notification center. Please see one of the articles below to see how it now functions.
- Note: The primary reason why this report is now generated behind the scenes vs an instant in-browser download, was due to an issue where users who were generating large custom/status reports were having their system freeze & they could not access any pages of the site.
- The report is still generated in real time but now is processed behind the scenes. Then sent to the notification center to notify you when it's ready to be downloaded. You can also select the option to have it emailed to you if needed.
- Resolved an issue where custom field data in status/custom/inbox report exports were not populating
- Resolved an issue where the order of the layout fields was not correct in exports
- Resolved an issue where some users could not load certain inbox layouts
Version 4.1.17 - Released 2-08-23
New Updates:
- In the intake form builder, you can now see which fields have conditional logic connected to them.
Misc Updates:
- Made improvements to the email blast module.
- Made improvements to the status report processing.
- Made improvements to the custom report processing.
- Resolved an issue where the custom report builder/lead inbox layout fields were not able to be reordered.
- Resolved an issue where calls forwarded from agent to agent with call recording enabled, were not recording the transferred agents part of the call.
- Resolved an issue where multiple email attachments in email blast campaigns were not sent.
- Resolved an issue where multiple email attachments in manually composed emails were not sent.
- Resolved an issue with tagged note attachments not opening when sent via email.
- Resolved an issue with user-uploaded voicemails not playing if the file name has a space in it.
- Resolved an issue where implementation-migrated files were not able to be moved within the lead document folders.
- Resolved an SMS opt-in issue where some leads that replied "START" did not opt into SMS.
- Resolved an issue where manually sending the intake form using the "Send Form" button would not change the lead status to "Intake Questionaire Emailed".
- Resolved an issue where the Vitials section was not saving dates.
- Resolved a newsfeed export issue.
- Resolved an export issue with custom print form templates.
- Resolved an issue with forwarded SMS replies.
- Resolved misc UI issues.
Version 4.1.16 - Released 1-25-23
Misc Updates:
- Resolved misc errors. (Minor Update)
Version 4.1.15 - Released 1-16-23
Misc Updates:
- Mobile app improvements.
- Improved how paragraph fields in the lead/case intake & mobile online form expand.
- Updated the Law Ruler API to allow the "OptSMS" = 1 parameter/value to opt the contact in when posting an update to an existing lead using "overridelead" = true parameter/value.
- Resolved an issue where some user assignment email notifications were still going out with user email notifications disabled.
- Resolved an issue w/ numbered lists in the compose email editor
- Resolved a user group issue where sms reply emails were not going out to all members of the group.
- Resolved a vitials display issue with the language field.
- Resolved an issue when trying to add a new user that previously had an account with the same email address.
- Resolved an issue where the E-sign received date was showing as the lead created date in the signed e-sign notification email.
- Resolved some reported issues with the Clio integration.
- Resolved misc UI issues.
- Resolved misc errors.
Version 4.1.14 - Released 1-3-23
Misc Updates:
- Mobile web view Improvements
- Email automation improvements: Added handling to stop sending automation emails to leads who unsubscribe/opt-out of emails from their email clients.
- Communications menu improvement: If the side menu is collapsed and there is a new message we now show a dot icon
- Online intake questionnaire Improvements: Added the ability to expand paragraph fields
- Intake form improvement: Updated the way a user can expand paragraph fields
- Resolved an Export Case file issue where "Assignee" and "Owner" roles were switched in the data
- Resolved a scrolling issue in the activity log tab where some resolutions could not see the pagination button
- Resolved a key date issue: When adding a new key date under the ALL case type, the page did not show the user that the new key date was added, so they could not see it or remove it
- Resolved an issue where users with certain screen resolutions could not see the add vendors pop-up
- Resolved a timezone conversion issue inside of the lead-created date field in custom reports
Version 4.1.9 - 12-2-22
New Updates:
- New! Call Monitoring Features: Admin users now have the ability to use the following features!(Note: In order to being using these, your users must have the new “Call Monitoring” permission enabled)
Join Call:
This will connect you to the agent + open up the record they are speaking to.
This will allow you to hear the conversation between the agent and the contact.
This will allow you to talk directly to the agent only, the contact will not be able to hear your voice.
This will allow you to talk directly to the agent and contact, coming into the call as a 3rd person.
Take Over:
This will allow you to take the call away from the agent. The agent will be dropped and only you and the contact will be connected.
- New! Dark Theme: Based on popular demand we added a dark theme!
To enable it, go into your user settings and select "Dark"
- New! Onboarding Launchpad: New clients can now keep track of their site set up and have easy access to our onboarding resources!
- New! Added the ability to trigger custom appointment reminders per event type and/or status changes!
New! Updated the Full Name field type: Now inside of your intake form the Full Name field will be split into First, Middle, and Last Name
(This was changed to prevent issues with adding spaces that would split the full name up incorrectly)
- New! Marketing Source Permissions: We have added two new user permissions for viewing/editing the marketing sources
View Marketing Source - This allows a user to view the marketing source in a customer record. If this permission is not selected, the marketing source should be hidden.
Edit Marketing Source - This allows a user to edit the marketing source in a customer record. If this permission is not selected, the marketing source is in a view-only mode for that user.
Misc Updates:
- Added the Needles v1 integration “Potential Duplicates in Needles” section into the new related contacts page
- Added the ability to schedule the Agent Metric Report
- Added the ability to multi-download files inside the document finder inside of a record. Note: You must press allow in Chrome for auto-downloading when you first attempt to use this feature
- Added validation for trying to delete custom fields that are added in e-signs templates
- Added more logging for default contact field changes
- Added a status as a filter option in the milestone report
- Added a pencil icon to the contact information grid to quickly edit contacts
- Added the UTM source details next to the Marketing Source drop-down in the new overview page
- Added the address county to the contact information grid in the new overview page
- Added additional logging when removing a key date inside a record
- Updated the document modified date rule to only change the document modification date if the document/file was altered.
- Updated the look of the manage users page
- Updated the way users interact with the case description text box
- Resolved an email template CSS issue
- Resolved misc. issues in the email marketing page
- Resolved an issue importing data to the Marital Status & WhenTo Contact fields
- Resolved an audit log issue where the user who exported a record to Clio was not displaying
- Resolved an issue where you could not delete a record on the advanced search page
- Resolved the document categories not showing on the document template page
- Resolved a note search date range issue
- Resolved a backend document category automation issue
- Resolved an SMS opt-in message trigger issue
- Resolved a note tagging issue with users that have special characters in their username
- Resolved an SMS page contact rename display issue
- Resolved a display issue in Vitals/Intake Details
- Resolved an issue with the State of Filing mail merge code
- Resolved an issue where Yes/No questions were exported in PDFs as 0/1
- Resolved an issue with updating/reapplying saved inbox filters
- Resolved a saving issue with the “Purpose of Representation” field
- Resolved an issue deleting tags
- Resolved a new lead email issue where the name was not populating in a specific instance
- Resolved misc. issues where pressing enter on certain text fields would close pop-ups
- Resolved an email issue with the 3rd party integrations page
- Resolved misc. error log issues
- Resolved misc. display issues
- Improved the default snooze trigger time: Previously if a campaign was triggered during snooze hours when snooze ends all snoozed campaigns would trigger at the same time causing an influx of activity every morning for most firms. This is now updated to trigger the campaign at the same time as it was originally triggered but only when the snooze is not active.
Example: If an automation is set to trigger on Friday at 6:00 PM EST and snooze is enabled over the weekend until Monday at 8:00 AM EST, the campaign will be triggered on Monday at 6:00 PM EST (the same time it was triggered on Friday).
- Improved email validation across the entire application
- Improved milestone logging
- Improved performance/loading for the inbox.
- Removed legacy mail merge codes for Notary County and Notary State
- Removed the “closed” UI auto-tag for leads in statuses categories that are closed
Version 4.1.6 - Released 9/1
New Updates:
- New! PDF document editor: We have added the ability to open a PDF document, edit the form fields, and save it directly in Law Ruler.
- New! International Dialing support: Added the ability to call international contacts.
- New! Added a new API parameter called "ReturnJSON" with values = True or False. This will enable JSON responses when posting to our API.
Misc Updates:
- Improved performance/loading for the inbox.
- Improved performance/loading for the documents page.
- Improved performance/loading for the print queue page.
- Improved performance/loading for the manage users page.
- Added support for Filevine's V2 API + custom domains.
- Added Date of Death, Alias, Fax & Date of Bankruptcy to the intake builder default field list.
- Resolved a display issue where email attachments did not show when previewing an automation/campaign.
- Resolved an issue related to using multiple tags in the inbox.
- Resolved a duplicate checking issue in the API.
- Resolved an issue when accessing deleted leads.
- Resolved an issue with scheduled group assignments (deprecated feature)
- Resolved misc other issues.
Version 4.1.5 - Released 7/11 to 7/12
New Updates:
- Added a clipboard icon on the key dates page to copy any specific key date mail merge code
- Added the ability to reactivate deactivated users
- Added a new age field!
- Added the ability to our API which allows custom state fields to pass abbreviations
- Added the ability to upload. Zip files in documents
- Added a new setting for a specifically timed delay between queued outbound calls in the call center settings page
- Added a new setting for setting the default agent status after wrap up in user settings
Misc Updates:
- Updated inbox action pop-ups to display the current assignee/owner when changing them
- Resolved Misc. issues with view/edit SSN permission
- Resolved an issue with sending an email from the 3rd party integrations page
- Resolved a display issue with the time entries page
- Resolved an issue where the client name was not showing on paid transactions via the Law Pay integration
- Resolved an issue with the e-sign report permission
- Resolved Misc. issues with the text editor used across the application
- Resolved an issue related to the idle time not updating on specific changes made in a record
- Resolved an issue where task assignment emails sent to a user was not logged in the record
- Resolved workflow issues when trying to increase your user limit in manage users
- Resolved Misc. note tagging issues
- Resolved a logging issue when the primary contact is changed
- Resolved Misc. workflow issues with duplicate lead notifications
- Resolved an API issue resetting the case type when an update post has been posted
- Removed the add note option in the Layout builder/custom report builder
- Resolved Misc. issues
Version 4.1.3 - Released 6/6 to 6/7
New Updates:
- Updated the overview layout based on user feedback!
- Added a "New" icon for the new inquires & messages menu items
- Added the ability for admin users to clear the dialer queue in call center settings
- Added a search bar to the activity tab
- Added sender phone numbers to the SMS tab
- Added a new document URL merge code <<DocumentURL>>
- Added validation for deleting e-signs that are currenlty active in automation
Misc Updates:
- Updated the Timesolv v1 integration to display only necessary Law Ruler pages
- Updated the newsfeed page for non-admins to allow them to save filters when they return to the page
- Updated the labels/activity logs/action buttons for SMS & Email opt-in/outs
- Updated the label for foreground color to font color
- Resolved an issue where adding a note with tags added an extra space
- Resolved an issue where upload timestamps on documents were set in the wrong timezone for some users
- Resolved an advanced search issue for group users
- Resolved misc. display issues within tracking number settings
- Resolved an issue where users were not allowed to remove account details/summary from invoices.
- Resolved a display issue with sign now contracts that have multiple signers
- Resolved an issue where test emails from automation were not sent for some users
- Resolved a display issue when editing a document template the pop-up was not anchoring correctly
- Resolved an issue where the last logged in user time in manage users was defaulting to CST
- Resolved an issue in the manage users page related to the admin permission
- Resolved an issue in notes when adding the text "cc:" overwrites the note
- Resolved an issue where automations set to send to the lead assignee/owner's mobile number was sent to their other phone number.
- Resolved an issue with deleting/uploading document templates
- Resolved an issue where adding data to the estimated case value field did not display in the inbox
- Resolved an issue with Law Pay where failed payments stopped any proceeding payment from being attempted
- Resolved an inbox issue with marking a record as unread did not update the new inquires tab
- Resolved field masking issues with SSN and Phone number fields in vitals
- Resolved a display issue for mobile when viewing the online intake form
- Resolved a display issue in the emails tab when viewing 50 emails
- Resolved an issue with the referral firm block modifier
- Resolved a display issue where the form builder shows the cases form tab when cases is not enabled
- Resolved an issue in the email marketing page where the # of recipients link was not properly filtering records in the inbox
- Resolved an issue with conditional logic when using the option for "Is Not Equal To", the "Select" option in a drop-down was being taken into account.
- Resolved a display issue with custom question labels showing HTML elements in vitals
- Resolved an issue where some users were receiving two emails for every SMS reply.
- Resolved an issue where the global search was not working in the intake/form builder
- Resolved a display issue on the mobile web view for the notification center
- Resolved an issue where uploading a document in vitals did not work
- Resolved an issue where auto paying invoices with funds were displaying an error that the invoice cannot be negative
- Resolved an issue where copying phone number in the contact card from field to field
- Resolved a display issue when scrolling through the additional contact section
- Resolved an issue with scheduled appointment emails being sent when reminder sendings are turned off
- Resolved an issue with keyword searching on the documents page
- Resolved a display issue when adding a firm for fee splits
- Resolve Misc. display issues with the emails tab
- Resolved a counter issue on the all tasks page
- Resolved a display issue when editing additional contacts
- Resolved a logging duplication issue with opt-in/outs
Version 4.1.2 - Released 5/5 to 5/12
New Updates:
- Rocket Matter Integration
- Local Presence Dialing (Beta)
- Updated the new customer screen to show subpages as full width
- Updated opt-out labels for SMS/email
- Updated Misc pop-ups in the new UI for smaller screens
- Updated the new main menu in the new UI for smaller screens
- Updated the new Vitals section based on submitted feedback
- Added Reason for closure field to the custom report builder
- Added A-Z Sort to synced Needles drop down fields
- Added hover details to the inbox when hovering on a lead/case
Misc Updates:
- Resolved Misc Display issues
- Resolved an issue with created time
- Resolved a Needles conversion issue
- Resolved a display issue on the 2FA page
- Resolved Misc Notification center issues
- Resolved an issue with the online intake form
- Resolved an issue with the Referral Contact merge code
- Resolved an issue with converting to Clio in the new look
- Resolved a spacing issue with all referral firm merge codes
- Resolved an issue where the client name not showing for paid transactions
- Misc updates to performance
Version 4.1.1 - Beta | Released 4/25 to 4/27
The New Law Ruler
New Menu Bar Color!
By popular demand, we brought back the blue menu bar.
New Action Menu!
Our action menu has now moved. To use any actions, such as updating the status, case type, etc please click on the three dots icon on any record. You can also select multiple records and update them in batches!
Click on the new three dots icon
Your action menu will appear to apply to 1 or more records
Misc Updates:
- Updated the email subject for all notifications
- Resolved a display issue in the dashboard
- Resolved Misc issues with the new version
- Resolved an intake form builder reordering issue
Version 4.1.0 Beta - Released to select clients
The New Law Ruler
- New Main Menu Bar Design
- New Intake/Case Design
- New Customer Screen - To see what has changed feel free to take a look at our support guide! https://support.lawruler.com/hc/en-us/articles/5114775063699-Using-the-NEW-Customer-Screen-and-the-Customer-Ribbon
- New Case Parties Feature You can now manage all your case parties and contacts in one place.
Version - Released 3/31/2022
New Updates:
- New Law Ruler Dialer Design + Features! Admin users now have the ability to see/search all agents/transfer-only agents in the agent pop-up & filter by their current dialer status.
- New! Increase user limit: You can now increase the number of user licenses via the manage users and group page. If you do not have any more available licenses, when you press the "Purchase Additional User(s)" link you can now add more users automatically.
Misc Updates:
- Improved searching in the inbox
- Improved email sync performance
- Improved the API lead creation process
- Improved lead/case record field saving performance
- Improved calendar loading performance for users with a lot of shared/synced events.
- Added a new "Export Contacts/Inbox" user permission
- Added a search bar in document templates
- Added .MOV files as a supported file type in the document uploader
- Added the event location back to the calendar grid in the lead/case page
- Added search by Lead ID in the calendar event pop-up for linking an existing record
- Added the ability for admins to enable the medical record module in global settings
- Updated the first activity log for newly created leads. It now has more information
- Updated the case page tabs to be in the same order as the lead page
Removed all expense types related to the case contingency billing type when adding new lead expenses
- Resolved an issue with key date fields
- Resolved misc. dashboard display issues
- Resolved an issue where inactive leads were showing on the billing report
- Resolved an issue with the reassign user function
- Resolved an issue when editing a note
- Resolved an issue updating your account password
- Resolved a display issue in the SMS character counter
- Resolved a display issue with the export to clio pop-up
- Resolved an issue with group appointment reminders
- Resolved a UI workflow issue with the call tracking number greetings
- Resolved an issue with status changes on records set to deactivated statuses
- Resolved an issue where voided transactions were showing the incorrect status on the billing report and are included in the totals
- Resolved a dropdown display issue for long statuses in the automation page
- Resolve a UI/Required Text Location issue with field validation in the intake form
- Resolved an issue where note tagging users with a middle name were not sending
- Resolved an issue where synced calendar folders were hidden from the add/edit task screen
- Resolved an issue where the Referral Firm Contact Name was not populating inside of e-signs
- Resolved a display issue in the time entries tab for certain resolutions could not see the edit/delete buttons
- Resolved an issue with the SMS max character counter was displayed when the text box was collapsed
- Resolved an issue where synced email replies were adding "re" to the subject line on every incoming reply
Version - Released 2/17/2022
New Updates:
- Added a new notification setting in e-sign settings for notifying anyone that an e-sign has been canceled (via email)
- Added the ability to not display account details/account summary from invoices
Misc Updates:
- Added improvements to the Law Ruler Dashboard
- Added improvements to the CosmoLex Integration
- Added improvements to the TimeSolv Integration
- Added new user assignment email notification to leads/cases
- Added UI label updates for AI and Automation Campaign Statistics
- Added the ability to show/hide expenses in all integrated case management integrations for lead records
- Improved the purchase tracking number workflow
- Improved the Law Ruler calendar / integrated calendar module
- Improved the SMS text box field when composing messages to a record
- Resolved a lead inbox export issue
- Resolved a Clio duplicate check pop-up issue
- Resolved an issue with Needles Automated conversions
- Resolved an issue with some documents not downloading
- Removed the Clio pairing option for non-Clio case management integrations
Version 4.0.3 - Released 2/2/2022
New Updates:
New Case Management +Billing Integrations!
- CosmoLex: Law Ruler Legal CRM now offers an easy-to-use integration with CosmoLex, a cloud-based law practice management software that integrates trust & business accounting, time tracking, billing, email & document management, and tasks & calendaring, in a single application. For more information click here!
- TimeSolv: Law Ruler now offers an easy-to-use integration with TimeSolv, a cloud-based timekeeping and billing platform for law firms. For two decades, TimeSolv has provided the best web-based billing solution for attorneys and other professionals. Ranked the #1 legal billing software for usability. For more information click here!
Misc Updates:
- Added Law Ruler Dialer performance updates
- Added the new signups tile back to the dashboard
- Added a new layout field for "Our Firm Fee Amount"
- Added additional field validation to the NRR integration
- Added new mail merge code modifier for full state name
<<State>> = FL<<State|FullStateName>> = Florida
- Added validation to custom greetings in tracking number settings
- Added a new column in the automation campaigns for Call Deliveries
- Added validation for settlements where the e-sign is expired/canceled
- Improved scrolling in the intake form
- Improved duplicate checking in the Clio Integration
- Resolved a referral firm edit issue
- Resolved an issue with integrated calendars
- Resolved misc issues with the new inbox
- Resolved a page refresh issue for Needles fields in the intake builder
- Resolved issues with advanced conditional logic not loading properly
- Resolved an issue where the DOB was not merging 0 in single-digit days
- Resolved an issue where the mobile dashboard was not showing the signups tile
- Resolved an issue where the new type of case NRR field was not passing properly
- Removed validation from document templates for files that have no mail merge codes
- Resolved an issue where invoices due the next day were triggering reminders too early
- Resolved an issue where marketing expenses were duplicated per source in the dashboard
- Resolved an issue where the lead idle time would not update when sending an SMS / Email
- Resolved an issue where users could send duplicate SMS messages when manually pressing send more than once
- Updated the notes option in the referral firm export options to send all notes as a PDF file
Version 4.0.2 - Released 1/12/2022
New Updates:
- New lead inbox design! Want to check it out? Simply click on the banner or press the "Try the new inbox (beta)" option in the user settings menu to take a look!
- New Appointment Dashboard Metrics! Added support to our Dashboard to now display appointments/events
- New API fields! Added support to our Law Ruler API for passing case roles and contact types for newly submitted leads.
- New U.S. States Dropdown intake form field! Added a new field type into our intake form builder for the U.S. States. Now all U.S States are added as drop-down options by default.
Misc Updates:
- Resolved an intake form display issue
- Resolved a "Firm" user permission issue
- Resolved an issue for deactivating case types
- Resolved an issue with the case type showing empty
- Resolved an issue deleting tracking numbers from pools
- Resolved a logging date/time issue for unsubscribed contacts
- Resolved an issue with marketing source intake form mapping
- Resolved an issue with the fax number not saving for some contact types
- Removed the"Email Logos and Images" as a default folder
- Improved the lead assignee user change notifications
- Improved intake form loading/performance with conditional logic
- Improved the saved inbox filters view in the user settings page
- Added validation to the online lead form for contact name fields
- Added validation to the date range fields for existing scheduled reports
- Added support to the National Records Retrieval Integration to send the lead case type
Version - Released 12/29/2021
New Updates:
- New lead inbox design! - Added backend support for our new inbox design. If you are interested in getting beta access please reach out to your account manager or support@lawruler.com
- Added the ability to make PDF/Excel optional in Scheduled Report Emails
Misc Updates:
- Updated the "Firm" user permission to now to allow users to edit a referral firm
- Added a downloadable sample import file to the import wizard
- Added validation to not allow the "Automatically change status to" option to display the same statuses used as the trigger status in the "Campaign Setting" default trigger status. https://www.screencast.com/t/CBW4e6VSmv
- Removed a redundant settings page
- Resolved a document searching issue
- Resolved a backend milestone report error
- Resolved an issue with the current date e-Sign
- Resolved an issue where updating existing e-sign files would cause an error
- Resolved an issue with non-dialer Law Ruler tracking numbers that were not setting the case type as Unassigned.
Version 3.7.6 - Released 12/22/2021
New Updates:
- New UTM tracking script - Added a new code snippet for adding UTM tracking to your website. This also includes an updated GA integration (currently only available upon request, this will be added to our DNI support article soon)
- Added .ogg voice files to supported documents tab uploads
- Dashboard Export feature - Added the ability to export data in our dashboard report. You can now export per tile and from the main page
Misc Updates:
- Log4j - Security Update
- Clio - Duplicate checking optimizations
- Manage Lead Sources - Resolved an issue where lead sources would not load if a user deactivated a status that was set on a tracking number (added validation)
- TrialWorks XML Integration - Boolean Values that are empty will now save as False
- Intake/Conditional Logic - Resolved an issue when copying intake questions/logic which was adding duplicate statements. We also optimized logic loading in the intake form
- Star Rating Inbox Display Issue - Resolved an issue when setting a star rating was clearing out custom fields in the inbox
- Auto-fill via Google API - Resolved an issue where the city field was not filling out on certain address types when choosing an address
- E-sign tab - Added handling for missing e-sign documents not displaying view/send icons
- Payment Plan Checker - Resolved an automation error that occurs for leads that do not have an email address and email reminders for payments are enabled
Version - Released 12/8/2021
- New layout field: Added “Referral status” as a new lead inbox/custom report field
- New Law Ruler Dialer Feature: Added a signal strength indicator
- New E-sign tab design
- Resolved an issue with Gmail not syncing
- Resolved an issue with outlook shared events appearing to non-attendees
- Resolved a mobile app issue where editing a note did not save
- Key Date optimization
- Inbox export optimization
- Resolved an issue with completed tasks not displaying on the all task page
Version 3.7.4 - Released 11/24/2021
- New! Manage Lead/Marketing Sources feature is now available - a new user interface with enhanced functionality for call forwarding, grid sorting, and improved user experience.
- New! Additional Task Automation feature is now available - you can now trigger multiple tasks for each automation campaign.
- Added support for 100+ calendar folder colors
- Improvements to our Dialer - Latest SDK update & new log out feature on session end
- Improvements to the "Contact Type" drop-down so now you can select any contact type when creating a contact as the primary contact.
- Improvements to the Law Pay integration - Added the ability to make any of the individual address fields on the payment screen optional
- Resolved an issue with invoices that did not have a primary Law Pay account set as a default
- Resolved an issue where some browsers did not see the help tab
Version 3.7.3 - Released 10/29/2021 🎃
- New! Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is now available - 🔒 added security for the digital age - add a mobile number for each user to enforce 2FA via SMS Text Message by receiving a security code. Learn more about implementing 2FA
- New! IP Address Login Restrictions are now available - 🔒 enhance your security by only allowing login to the system from allowed IP addresses. This can be mixed with 2FA as needed. Learn more about Restricting Access to Your System via IP Address or IP Ranges
- Improvements to the Conditional/Decision Tree Logic in Intake Forms - AND and OR statements are now available. Conditional Logic is now copied when an Intake Form is duplicated.
- Added the SMS opt-in and Email opt-in fields for inbox builder/custom reports
- Added address fields in the payment form for AV and Address 1 verification in LawPay API.
- Added variation of output for the Mailing Address mail merge field. For example,
<<Full Address|Block>> - Various improvements and user experience changes to the dialer feature.
- Various improvements to the Call Center Agent Metrics report.
- Resolved browser issues with the online help center for some users.
- Various improvements to Scheduled Reports for date ranges and editing.
- Various improvements to the Time Entries report.
- Various improvements and additional handling in the Import Wizard.
- Various improvements and performance upgrades in the Lead Inbox.
- Various improvements in the Email Marketing Statistics.
Version - Released 10/6/2021
- In the Time Entries Report, there is now a Billing by Timekeeper chart and a separate export Excel spreadsheet that shows the same.
- Added UI/UX improvements to the Document Templates screen.
- Added a new filter in the Create Invoice screen that allows non-client billable time to be added/ignored during the invoicing process. If added, then non-client billable time is billed at 0.00
- Added improvements to Totals in the Bank Transactions screen for billed/unbilled time.
- Added better handling for the billing timer across multiple browser windows.
- Added improvements to the Law Ruler > QuickBooks Online sync for expense liability accounts.
- Added user login requirement to the SMS Text Message Reply screen.
- Resolved an issue with Inbox exports for Unassigned records per the Inbox filter of lead type.
Version 3.5.9a - Released 9/15/2021
- NEW AND IMPROVED! Law Ruler Dashboards - performance and UI/UX improvements. Try them out now. They are blazing fast!
- Added performance optimizations and handling to the Microsoft Office 365 (Graph API) feature.
- Added support for Google Places searches in Contact addresses. Now it supports Google Places by name and Google Maps by address.
- Removed the requirement of Street Address 1 for Contacts.
- Resolved an issue with primary addresses.
- Resolved an issue with the <TAB> order in Add/Edit Contacts.
Version - Released 8/27/2021
NEW! Current Milestone Reporting and Filtering - Added the current milestone step as a filter in the Inbox filter menu to show the current in-progress milestone(s) in progress for each lead/case. Also, the inbox and custom report layout builder now includes the current milestone field so it may be added to these reports. And, the export now has the current milestone field available.
- Added an "Apply Milestone Changes" button in the lead/case screen to allow users to manually reset the milestones/tasks in a record if a newer version exists. Also, there is now better handling for applying different milestone versions to existing records.
- Added a badge to show which text messages are read/unread, and a filter to only show unread text messages on the texting screen.
- Added handling to allow more than 50 key dates in each lead/case.
- Added support for Canadian provinces in contacts if the country is set to Canada.
- Added saving of language order from settings for the language dropdown on the contract screen.
- Added an optional warning to ask the user to confirm any case type changes when done in the front-end system, also known as, "Warn users on case type change" This is off by default but may be activated in the case settings screen by having an admin user go to the case settings screen and turn it on/off.
- Added handling to allow the display of linked third-party calendar events with the standalone Law Ruler calendar turned off.
- Added new user security rights for: View All Tasks and View All Newsfeed activities so that these managerial permissions could be granted without requiring admin access.
- Performance improvements for screen loading time of large document databases in the document management system.
- Performance improvements with automation campaigns.
- Performance improvements for contact creation for leads/cases created via API.
- Performance improvements to the agenda screen.
- Resolved an issue with prefixes in Vendor contacts.
Version 3.5.7 - Released 8/13/2021
- NEW! 📆 A Shareable Law Ruler Standalone Calendar! The standalone Law Ruler calendar now allows sharing of events and calendars with other users as well as group calendars. All of this functionality is available without requiring third-party calendars. Also, includes support to use or hide the third-party Appointlet calendar scheduling sync. Check out the standalone Law Ruler Calendar tutorial for more information.
- NEW! Contingency Billing Report for settlements! Use this report to track Pro-forma settlement inventory. This report should not be considered as a settlement ledger report as that most firms are making settlement payments outside of Law Ruler in third-party accounting or other software. Review the contingency billing report tutorial.
- NEW! Partial Settlements for contingency settlements! Easily disburse one or more settlements from each settlement recovery/deposit. This feature allows you to include or exclude attorney's fees as needed. If your client needs to be paid sooner rather than later, but you are still negotiating with third-party vendors, then you may need this feature to do multiple settlements from the same recovery.
- NEW! Payment Requests for distribution of money held in the trust account to create payment requests. This feature allows you to include or exclude attorney's fees as needed. Some states have medpay allowances or you want to advance settlement funds to a client during third-party vendor negotiations.
- Added a feature to allow the sort order of tasks in the tasks screens to be saved so it stays the same if you come back at a later time.
- Added leadID and caseID columns in the export to CSV versions of the Billing History Report, Bank Account Transactions Report, Time Entries Report, and Expense Reports.
- Performance optimization of calendar events.
- Various improvements in the Opt-In/Opt-Out feature.
- Resolved a display issue with online forms.
- Resolved a display issue with the text messages screen.
- Resolved an issue with group mail merge codes.
- Resolved an issue with milestone versioning not keeping up when milestones were changed via API or the mobile app.
- Optimized the CallRail call handoff process with the Law Ruler Call Center dialer.
- Optimized the intake/case form for performance.
Version - Released 7/30/2021
- New! Time Entries Report! Run a billing activity report or export results of time entries. This feature requires admin or export user permissions so if you need to export contacts and do not see the option, then please ask your administrator to give you access.
- Various improvements to the Expenses Report showing more billing information.
- Moved all billing reports to a separate section of the Reports screen to make it more organized.
- Added more workflow options for events and cancelations.
- Added referral firm status as an available field in the custom report/inbox layout.
- Faster note search times and the <ENTER> key will now do an immediate notes search.
- Resolved an issue with Task sort order.
- Improvements and resolution to mail merge.
- Improvements to the Law Ruler calendar feature.
- Improvements to the Opt-In/Opt-Out feature.
- Improved handling when a mobile browser is detected to offer the Law Ruler app or continue in the web browser.
Version - Released 7/20/2021
- Bank Account Transaction Report/Ledger/Trust Report - Run a report or export results of bank transactions per account and client. Use it as a Trust Report or to review bank transactions on the case ledger for any accounts that you would like. This feature requires admin or export user permissions so if you need to export contacts and do not see the option, then please ask your administrator to give you access.
- Export Related Contacts button in the Contacts screen that will include all related contacts/parties on leads/cases in the export. This feature requires admin or export user permissions so if you need to export contacts and do not see the option, then please ask your administrator to give you access.
- Credit Notes / Write-Off feature in invoices. If you need to write off part of the entire open balance of an invoice and have a paper trail for it, then add a Credit Note. You can do this by clicking the dropdown in the bottom right corner of each invoice and select "Add Credit Note"
- Added a mobile browser detect screen that will offer to download the mobile app version of Law Ruler for each session.
- Added conditional logic within dropdown options to hide/show certain options based on decision tree conditions.
- Added a fix in document templates for the priority of certain fields.
- Added additional handling for deleting additional/contacts parties for non-contingency cases.
- UI updates to buttons and the hovering toolbar on the lead/case page. Removed hover effect.
- Upgraded various opt-in/opt-out features.
- Resolved an issue in the HelloSign API with changes to signers in e-sign templates.
- Resolved an issue in the Import Wizard regarding the import of the lead attorney field in leads.
Version 3.5.x - Major Release - New Features - Released 7/9/2021
- 📆 A New and Improved calendar! Enjoy a more modern design and a better user experience!
- 🗺️ New! Auto-look up addresses and places with a Google Maps integration inside of contacts in Law Ruler in the calendar and in contact addresses
- ⚙️ A New and Improved Mail/Calendar integration with Outlook/Exchange (EWS) - review the Office 365 > Azure Active Directory setup tutorial for IT administrators. This was updated on 6/29/21 so if you will need to add some things if completed with prior instructions.
- A New Mail/Calendar integration with Google/Gmail, AOL, Apple iCloud, Yahoo, and more!
- 💲 Payment Plan and Installment Billing for Invoices - start letting your clients pay you with a payment plan and installment billing the way they want. LawPay-ready. Also, check out the new payment plan notification and settings screen in Setup > Invoice Reminders/Payment Plans
- Billing History and Collections Report - view all open balances on your invoices across all cases or check out the billing history for your cases.
- 🗄️ Contact mail merge codes for document templates based on case role - start using our enhanced mail merge/mass mailing feature for document automation with over 1,000 new mail merge codes to choose from. Check out the document automation tutorial
- Added Key Dates to the Import Wizard feature to allow importing into Key Date fields.
- Updated the Google Graph Visualization API for legacy Law Ruler reports that were showing 'undefined' messages in certain graphic elements.
- Various performance and other fixes
Version 3.4.4 - New Features - Released 6/04/2021
- New! Undo Completed Tasks - added a new icon to allow completed tasks to be placed back into the open task status in case you need to reactivate any tasks if you closed them by accident.
Version 3.4.3 - New Features - Released 5/28/2021 Happy Memorial Day 🦅 🎖️ 🙏
- 📝 New! Print Notes to PDF inside of leads/intakes/cases. You may not print a single note or all notes to a PDF file and download them inside of each lead/case.
- 📧 New! Print Emails to PDF inside of leads/intakes/cases. You may not print a single email or all emails to a PDF file and download them inside of each lead/case.
- 💡 New! Custom Fields added to the Mail Merge Widget throughout the Law Ruler system. All places where mail merge codes are able to be added will now feature an upgraded widget for ease of use that has both default and custom fields (all case types). Check it out!
- Added an editable Invoice Description textbox to the invoice screen for internal use. This does not print on customer invoices and is invisible to customers.
- Added Case Billing Type (Contingency, Flat, Fee, Hourly, etc) to the inbox and custom reports.
- Added Case Summary field to all new lead notification email templates.
- Upgraded the Outlook/Exchange API version to resolve some issues with Calendar Sharing.
- Various UI/UX improvements.
- Resolved an issue with document attachments in Vendors.
Version 3.4 - New Features - Released 5/20/2021
- Added Lead/Case created date to the inbox and custom reports.
- Moved User Settings and the logout button into the user dropdown menu. Click on your username in the top right corner to open the user dropdown menu.
- Added support for user avatars and initials for each user.
- More improvements for milestones inside of leads/cases.
- The Global Search bar was moved to the left side of the screen on top as an improvement.
- Additional improvements for UTM Ad_Campaign to Set Ad Campaign and Case Type for new leads created via API.
- Added a switch to turn on/off the guided tutorial in user settings and manage users.
- Removed Law Ruler branding from the Signed E-Sign Email Template.
- Improved UI/UX for opt-out messages in emails sent via Law Ruler.
- Removed the 'Close' button in the Contingency Settlement worksheet due to it being blocked by the latest Chrome update. This button was a duplicate. You can close the screen in other places.
Version - New Features - Released 5/14/2021
- 🕮 New! Added a guided tutorial for users to easily learn/onboard the Law Ruler system.
- Added a new feature to allow UTM Ad_Campaign to Set Ad Campaign and Case Type for new leads created via API.
Settlement and QBO Sync Updates:
- Adding a Settlement Disbursement screen as an audit trail after settlements are disbursed.
- Adding additional handling for the LR > QuickBooks Online integration to create a customer invoice for all recovered soft costs and attorney fees for Our Firm for each settlement. All third-party costs will be created in QBO as vendors/vendor bills when a settlement is processed.
- Adding better handling for managing cost entry of Contingency settlements with a new Cost Type in Law Ruler expenses for Soft Costs - Hold for Settlement. This will allow your team to create soft costs that do not trigger a billing event in the QuickBooks Online sync until after the settlement is disbursed.
- Disabled certain expense cost types depending on the Case Billing Type for improved UX. In Contingency settlements, the "Soft Cost" expense cost type is disabled. In Hourly/Flat Fee cases, the settlement-related expense cost types are disabled.
- Added Lead Created Date and Case Created Date to the Inbox/Custom Report exports.
- Improved handling of CallRail rules for duplicate checking in API posts from the integration.
- Various improvements for milestones inside of leads/cases.
- Resolved an issue with End Date not being considered during invoicing in cases.
Version - New Features - Released 4/30/2021
- Key Dates in the Custom Reports and Inbox - Add Key Dates to any of your Inbox or Custom Report layouts from the Available Default Fields menu in the inbox layout/custom report builder.
- Improved handling of Milestone template edits in the Milestone and Key Date features
- Added handling for Deleting Subordinate items for Key Dates Tasks and Regular Tasks (Subtasks, Task Reminders, Events related to Tasks)
- Added an Export Contacts feature in the Contacts screen for exporting contacts.
- Improved handling for business contacts in the Import Wizard.
Version - Maintenance - Released 4/23/2021
- Improved handling of mail merge codes for Key Dates in e-sign, document templates, automation.
- Improvements with Key Date versioning to maintain different versions of Key Date templates in leads/cases as well as changes to Key Date templates.
- Unification of mail merge codes across handlers for default fields, custom fields, and key dates.
- Resolved an issue with attachments not copying when automation was copied.
- Resolved a javascript issue with inbox filters/layout changes that were affecting Inbox exports.
- Resolved an issue in the Send Referral attachment feature for uncategorized API files.
- Resolved an issue with the Appointlet API related to unassigned case type events.
Version - New Features - Released 4/9/2021
- Pin/Unpin Tasks! Get ready to "Pin" and "Unpin" important tasks. With pinning, you can highlight any important tasks that need to be on top for your team to see at all times. Any pinned tasks will always appear at the top of the tasks screen for any leads/cases.
- Pin/Unpin Emails! Get ready to "Pin" and "Unpin" important emails. With pinning, you can highlight any important emails that need to be on top for your team to see at all times. Any pinned emails will always appear at the top of the emails screen for any leads/cases.
- The Note Search feature is now optimized and better than ever.
- Performance optimization and user interface (UX) improvements for Milestones and Tasks.
- Resolved a concern with Milestone steps not progressing within certain templates.
- Added a feature to allow the import of Key Dates in the Import Wizard.
- Added more handling for sanitizing junk data when importing Contacts in the Import Wizard.
- Added better handling for multiple browser tabs for the Twilio API.
- Added better handling for transferring calls with the Twilio API.
- Added more logging for voice/messaging/AI tasks with the Twilio API.
- Added logging of initial SMS text message if a lead is created via SMS text from the Twilio API.
- Added additional security to limit the Bank Transactions screen to accounting and admin users only.
- Added additional handling for showing/hiding case form fields in the online forms.
- Additional improvements with Key Dates in E-Sign and Document Templates.
- Additional security improvements for encoding unsafe user input.
- Additional improvements in the Inbox for searching and filtering.
- Additional improvements to prevent users from deleting e-sign templates that are in current use in automation campaigns.
- Additional improvements in the email status delivery feature with the Mailgun API.
Version 3.3.5 - New Features - Released 3/23/2021
- Pin/Unpin Notes! Get ready to "Pin" and "Unpin" important notes. With pinning, you can highlight any important notes that need to be on top for your team to see at all times. Any pinned notes will always appear at the top of the Notes screen for any leads/cases. Also, the notes screen is now optimized with new sort filters and pagination for faster loading time.
Updated Medical Records Screen! With this update, your Law Ruler system will include two options for the ordering and tracking of medical records that both output to the Law Ruler Medical Records Report.
- Self-Ordering (Default) - This option is for tracking purposes only and does not place orders. You would use this option if your firm places their own orders directly with medical providers, outside of the Law Ruler system. It does allow your staff to input the order details for tracking purposes.
- Seamless Medical Record Ordering and Retrieval via National Record Retrieval - This option uses the integration with a leading medical record retrieval provider, National Record Retrieval (also searched as “NRR”). This integration allows your firm to order and receive medical records directly from your Law Ruler system without ever leaving.
- Added better memory optimization for Google Chrome browser tabs, especially for power users with many Law Ruler tabs of the Smart Dialer and Text Messaging consoles open in Chrome.
- Resolved an issue with legacy Lead Email in Instant Email Campaigns --- uses Contact Email now
- Added additional handling for Cases in the MailGun API for email automation.
- Added a new field to the Contacts screen for Marital Status and Gender. Previously it was a custom field but not visible on the contacts screen.
- Added filters on the Manage Tags screen for filtering out deactivated tags.
- Added IP Address logging for all inbound API posts.
- Added handling in the Law Ruler API for accepting Status updates via API. If the case type is set as unassigned on 1st post (no case type added) + on 2nd post-it requires lead ID if no case type + status is passed to protect clients with multiple cases from data concerns.
- Improved handling for exporting of Yes/No data in the custom/inbox reports.
- Added additional handling for sending files to National Record Retrieval via API.
Version - New Features - Released 3/12/2021
- Tags via API! Add tags to any Lead/Case. Use the new API parameter "Tags" For multiple, separate with commas: Tags = New, Level 1, High Value.
- More Detailed Logging in the Smart Dialer - better handling of abandoned, missed, and decline call logging to provide more transparency as to agent/caller actions.
- Version update of the Spire third-party document creation library.
- Performance improvement for high volumes of tasks for users/groups.
- Increased session time for browser sessions in IIS.
- Resolved a concern with task filters on the Inbox and Agenda screens.
- Resolved a concern in the Import Wizard for processing of data for genders.
Version 3.3.4 - New Features - Released 3/3/2021
- Inbox status colors are now limited to the status dropdown and no longer color code the entire row. Also, the inbox dropdowns are now more bubbly.
- Inbox filter layouts are now easier to use and allow duplicate names to be created.
- Improvement in the Law Ruler API to allow Lead Assignee to be both created and updated.
Version - New Features - Releasing 2/26/2021
- New! Campaign Automation now allows campaigns to be sent on behalf of any synched Outlook email address.
- Updates to layouts in the Inbox to allow filter changes.
- Security improvements in the Newsfeed feature.
- Performance and other optimizations to the Medical Records Report.
- Additional improvements to the Agenda feature.
- Improvements to certain popup screens for smaller resolutions.
Version 3.3.3 - New Features - Releasing 2/19/2021
- The New Agenda Screen! And a more focused Inbox experience! The Inbox home screen is now separated into two different user journeys: Introducing the Agenda screen, which shows each user's tasks, events, and the newsfeed for attorneys and paralegals in a dedicated screen. The new inbox only shows leads and cases to be the ultimate distraction-free tool for intake and case managers.
- The Events screen! The new Agenda screen now shows a dedicated display of calendar events to allow users to focus on what needs to be done each day in their law firm calendars for court and other events on the same screen as Tasks and the Newsfeed. Check it out!
- Customizable Greeting Messages and Hold Music in the Law Ruler Smart Dialer! By default, a phone ringing sound is now included as the default greeting mp3 to play for new callers. Callers are more likely to stay on the line if they hear a phone ring which generally indicates that their call will be answered live.
- Improvements in the Smart Dialer for better handling of queue calls near queue time expiration.
- Improvements in the Call Transfer feature in the Smart Dialer for chain call transfers.
- Optimizations in the Document Management System
- Increased handling for power users with many browser tabs open in Law Ruler.
- Various performance increases and improvements with the Newsfeed and Tasks screens.
- Improvements to the Call Center Agent Metrics Report for displaying agent busy time, offline time, and available times to clearly illustrate agent productivity,
Version - New Features - Releasing 2/11/2021
- The Call Center Agent Metrics Report 📋 - This new call center agent report will show you how each agent is performing and open up training opportunities. This is only visible for firms with the call center Smart Dialer enabled. To get access to the dialer, ask your account manager or support.
- Updated the HelloSign API library to the newest e-sign version for better scaling on mobile devices.
- Optimized the third-party plugin used in custom reports to increase performance.
- Resolved a visual issue with custom report layouts during export.
- Added more control of milestone configuration for existing or new clients.
- Resolved issues with a third-party affiliate integration creating phantom duplicates on the inbox.
- Resolved time zone issues with Key Dates.
- Improved performance in the text messaging screen.
- Improved performance with copy lead/case.
- Implemented the new Law Ruler brand logo throughout the system.
Version 3.3 - New Features - Releasing 1/22/2021
- NEW! Law Ruler Sonar - Customizable Analytics and Dashboards 📊- A major new feature in Law Ruler where each firm can organize their own home screen Dashboard to visualize and track Key Performance Metrics (KPIs) to make data-backed decisions with our beautiful graphs and charts. Powered by Tableau, the market leader in data visualization tools. Take your data on the go or view it from your desktop. For more information, please review the Sonar Dashboards Tutorial.
- NEW! Enhanced Task Management w/ Key Date Customization for Litigation & Docketing 📆- A new case management feature in Law Ruler for advanced capabilities with tasks and key dates for litigation, docketing, and calendaring. Now, you will be able to create decision-tree logic with milestone tasks with customizable key dates inside of each case, create key date templates by practice area to standardize litigation, and also to create multiple task/docket reminders via text message and/or email. For more information, please review the Key Dates, System Categories and Litigation/Docketing Tutorial.
- NEW! Setup Screen for System Categories and Key Dates - A new screen where you will be able to edit note categories, task categories, key dates, and billing categories. Customize your Law Ruler categories however you would like 😊 Click on Setup > System Categories & Key Dates
- NEW! Created New API Enhancements for sharing data and documents between Law Ruler systems.
- Removed the account requirement in expenses when adding vendor payments since some vendor payments happen directly from insurance companies to clients, outside of law firm accounts.
- Added enhanced export features in the Law Ruler Settlement Wizard to export/print settlements.
- Resolved an issue with photos sent via text messages not going into cases/matters.
- Resolved a visual issue with certain case notes not displaying in cases/matters.
- Resolved a visual issue with the Smart Dialer status while on-call.
- Resolved a visual issue in the Text Messages screen with many images.
Version - Maintenance - Released 01/20/2021
- Patch for Google Chrome Version 88 - Hotfix to resolve screen display issues resulting from the newest Google Chrome Version 88 that was released on January 20th, 2020.
Version 3.1.8 - New Features - Releasing 12/18/2020
- Automation Snooze on Weekends - now, you can decide which days of the week to send automated texts/emails/calls/tasks. You can now snooze automation on certain days of the week. The automation will wait in a holding queue and then deliver the next allowed day.
Newsfeed: Added additional history types for better reporting for calls and the Smart Dialer. Also, we backfilled history for calls prior to this new feature. HistoryTypes added:
Call - Missed Queue Call, Call - Inbound, Call - Declined Inbound Call,Call - Missed Outbound Call, Call - Outbound, Call - Recycled Outbound Call,
Call - Call Outcome Status Changed - Added group filters to the inbox and custom report builder.
- Resolved an issue with picklists and conditional logic automation triggers in the Law Ruler API.
- Resolved an issue with internal-only form fields not staying invisible in the online form.
- Resolved an issue with call center agent status not reverting to the default status after certain calls.
Version 3.17x - New Features - Releasing 12/4/2020
- E-Mail Statistics Version 2.0 📧 📈- real-time updates of email campaigns are now available. Send your email blast campaigns or status-driven automation and see the results right away. Additional metrics are now available for open, sent, bounced, and unsubscribes to provide more visibility into your email campaigns.
- Warm Transfer Feature in Smart Dialer Version 2.0 ☎️ - this new and improved feature will now make it easier for your agents to create conference calls during warm transfers and to do an unlimited number of warm transfer attempts to connect a call. For example, if agent 1 tries to do a warm transfer to recipient 1, and they do not answer then now, then agent 1 can try another recipient, rinse and repeat as many times as needed, or even try to connect to the same recipient multiple times. However, after the call has been transferred to a different agent then no more forwarding is available since the conference call loop has been closed.
Custom Phone Numbers by Case Type in Smart Dialer Version 2.0 #️⃣ - Now, you can set 1 or more phone numbers for each Case Type in the Law Ruler Smart Dialer. This provides several benefits including:
- creating numbers for each Case Type, and
- diversifying your outbound dialing numbers which lower the chances that the wireless phone carriers could put spam traps on your firm's phone numbers. Based on new industrywide phone carrier intel; doing a large volume of calls from one number could make your firm more prone to be flagged. Diversifying your outbound dialer numbers is a good mitigation tactic. - Added more Prefixes to be used with contact and client names
- Resolved an issue with calendar event notes not syncing with Outlook calendar events
- Increased the default width of the Case Name field in the inbox screen
- Added better time formatting for durations in the Call Report
- Added additional handling for Excel exports in the inbox for larger data sizes
Version 3.14 - New Features
Screen Builder 📋 - the top of the lead/intake and case pages are now customizable by practice area and there are separate forms for either leads or cases or keep them together. You decide. :)
- You can design the screen to have the fields that are most important to your firm on top for easy access.
- Now, you can now decide which Custom Form fields will be in either the intake form or case form or in both.
- You can even have fields on the top of the screen that are not in the intake or case forms, or vice versa, and mix and match.
- This effectively allows your firm to bifurcate the intake forms and custom fields by each practice area and have different layouts in the lead/intake and case screens.
Version 3.10-3.13 - New Features - Published 10/15/2020 - 11/8/2020
- 🆕 Intuit QuickBooks Online Sync - We released our 1-Way Sync with QuickBooks Online Sync for accounting information between Law Ruler > QuickBooks Online (QBO). For details on implementing QBO, please contact Law Ruler Support to activate this feature at no cost.
- 🆕 Notes Feature Improvements - We did a cosmetic uplift of the add/edit notes feature and also added functionality to send notes with an attached document from the Law Ruler document system or to attach a document from your device. Now you can tag/mention users and include a document with your notes!
- 🆕 Multiple Addresses for Contacts - We added support for multiple addresses inside of each contact. You can now designate which is the primary address and select address types.
- Added support for non-Microsoft guest users in the Microsoft Office 365 integration. If you share a document with a non-Microsoft user, they can get a 24-hour PIN code to edit documents as a guest editor for outside emails such as Gmail.
- Added functionality for documents sent via API to be visible in the Newsfeed.
- Added integration support for larger Office 365 documents over 4 MB.
- Various improvements in the form builder.
- Various additional improvements and fixes for the Law Ruler core.
- Various improvements in the document system - added a recycle bin for deleted file recovery, multiple file downloading, filters, filters now save automatically and also we added anti-clutter features for any logo files from email signatures that do not need to be displayed that were cluttering the view in the DMS.
Version - New Features - Published 10/6/2020
- 🆕 Microsoft Office 365 Suite Integration - Edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents inside of the Law Ruler cloud, without the need to download and re-upload documents to edit them, effectively limiting redundancies in your organization’s workflow. Multiple co-authors, document sharing, commenting, AI-powered dictation that works. Learn More
- Various additional improvements and fixes for the Law Ruler core and the document system.
Version - New Features - Published During September 15-30, 2020
- 🆕 Intake Performance Summary Report - enjoy a new, modern intake report to manage your firm's new client acquisition process. Review and discover trends of which leads and intakes are successful and unlock powerful analytics to grow your firm.
- 🆕 Law Ruler Advanced Document Management System - We added our new Advanced Document Management System (DMS) that in Law Ruler to allow advanced document management across all leads, intakes, and cases. This will allow access to easily search and manage documents for all leads/cases/intakes in 1 single screen.
🆕 Document Report in the Document Management System - Search and Take Inventory Across Entire Dockets. Run Filters and Export a Document Report on-demand at any time to quickly identify if any there are any clients with document deficiencies in any docket at any time.
Perfect as a pre-filing/pre-trial assessment tool. -
Improved E-Mail Campaign Photo Embedding - Easier and more streamlined interface for embedding images inside of automated, email blast, and test campaigns. Now, you can copy and paste photos directly into campaigns without having to worry about uploading the images first.
- Additional capabilities for second signer e-sign agreements for the HelloSign API
- Improved notifications for milestone tasks with better handling for user role changes after tasks are assigned to different users or groups.
- Improvements to the user management screen.
- Improvements to SOL Date reminders.
- Various additional improvements and fixes for the Law Ruler core and the document system.
Version - Published on 8/11/2020 🛠️
- CallRail API - improvements for additional scenarios for how CallRail sends data after their recent product updates
- LawPay API - improvements to prevent duplication
Version - Published on 8/08/2020 - New Feature Release! 🎉
🆕 New Compose E-Mail Editor v2.0 - The Law Ruler Compose E-Mail feature has been completely renovated with our release of v2.0 of our new, E-Mail Editor. ✉️
Article: Compose E-Mail Editor v2.0 - E-Mail Sync and User Tutorial- Cleaner, Modern, Easy-to-Use E-Mail Editor v2.0 User Interface
- Copy and Paste images/graphics directly into emails (without having to upload images)
- Allows 1 or More Outlook/Exchange E-Mail Accounts to be paired per user. Before it was 1 only.
- Allows 1 or More E-Mail Signatures for multiple E-Mail Accounts.
- New Toolbar for Easy Editing of Emails
- Attach Files/Documents from inside each Lead/Intake/Case Documents or from your computer
- Easy E-Mail Address Picker - Select from all of the contacts and assigned users on each lead/intake/case to easily send e-mails. Or, you may type in additional emails, and press enter or comma to manually add new recipients.
🆕 The Law Ruler Newsfeed - The Recent Activities Feature is now the "Newsfeed" and is a WHOLE LOT MORE than ever imagined. It instantly allows you many new report features for notes, documents, and more. Be creative! Be the eye in the sky at your firm. See all and know all! 👀
Article: The Law Ruler Newsfeed – See Everything at Your Firm Every Day - Tutorial
- Added dozens of newsfeed filters to customize your newsfeed for the various role(s) at the firm. More coming soon! If you want to see documents, invoices, emails, notes, etc, it's there now!
- Each user can save their own default filters for the Newsfeed for a better experience
- Export Newsfeed - An Export to Excel feature is added to the Newsfeed. This opens up the reporting experience considerably. Dozens of reports can be made at a moment's glance by filtering the newsfeed by notes, documents, emails, etc at any time and easily exported.
- Even more filters and options to the Recent Activities screen are coming soon!
- Even more filters and options to the Recent Activities screen are coming soon!
- HelloSign E-Sign API Version Upgrade - Upgraded the HelloSign Embedded API version to v2.0 for Sign Now and Direct to Contract signature requests.
- Centralized All Contact Information into Contacts - Evolutional change to lead vs case data - If a lead/intake has been made a case with Law Ruler Cases, then it will now fully merge with the case and the lead/intake is no longer stored or visible in the User Interface (UI) Removed all duplicative contact fields from the lead object and centralized into the Contacts object.
- Additional performance improvements in the Smart Dialer - more are coming...
Version - Published on 7/11/2020
- User Note Tagging added to the Law Ruler Smart Dialer callbox. Now, you can tag other users on notes while inside of the Smart Dialer.
- Resolved an issue with Previews of Custom Reports in the Custom Report Builder.
- Easier to use filters on the Automation screen.
- Added Safari browser support for downloading referral documents that are shared with other firms.
- Improvements to the ATO/CP integration for syncing documents for ATO/CP matters.
- Additional performance optimizations and other fixed under the hood.
Version 2.9.4 - Published on 6/27/2020
- 🆕 Reply Button for Notes Tagging - As a collaboration feature in Law Ruler, each user can press the "@" key and tag 1 or more users when adding a note in Law Ruler. This posts a note to the intake/case, and also sends an email to the users that were tagged. Now, we have a Reply Button inside of the notes that will allow the recipients to post a note reply back to whomever they would like, without having to sign in to reply. Mobile device friendly.
- Corrected an issue with the Send Referral feature where status was not updating after referrals were accepted or declined.
- Added more handling in the CallRail integration for the scenario where callsource=keyword we need to set the lead provider/marketing source of the new lead as the source_name field.
- Removed the ability for non-accounting users to add vendors from inside of the Add Expense screen. Only users with the user permission of accounting or admin rights should have rights.
Version 2.9.1 - Published on 6/13/2020
🆕 Contingency Settlement Wizard with E-Sign Closing Statements. Our new Contingency Billing and Settlement features are now available for personal injury and mass tort firms.
For more details, please review our feature details on our website.
For support and the Settlement Wizard user guide, please review this article on our Support Forum - 🆕 Create Calendar Events from Tasks - now, any manual or milestone task can automatically create a calendar event in either the Law Ruler calendar or any paired Outlook/Exchange calendar.
- 🆕 Additional Document Automations - now, any automation can have the signed e-sign PDF, Export CSV, or Intake PDf attached to it for use with Zapier and other third-party integration tools.
- 🆕 Automate Attorney, Paralegal, and Case Manager Assignments in Automations - now, you can automatically set the Attorney, Paralegal, and Case Manager for each case type in the automation. Go to the Workflow tab in any automation and add your preferences
- 🆕 Billing Category Customizations - there is a new screen where you can customize the billing/expense categories for your firm. For admin users, click on Setup > Billing Categories.
- Added security in the Inbox/Custom Report Layout Builder to disallow non-admin users from editing layouts for all users, and special character handling.
- Added additional options for lead source in the Call Report
- Added additional handling to prevent duplicate filenames from the NRR Medical Records API
Version - Published 5/30/2020 & Cloud Infrastructure Maintenance 🛠️
- 🆕 Text E-Sign Improvements for Sprint Wireless Numbers - The Text E-Sign feature will now send the e-sign URL in a separate text message for all recipients. There was an issue for Sprint Wireless users specifically, so we worked with HelloSign to make this change. Thus, the content will be in one text, and the actual e-sign link will be in a separate text message. This should resolve any HelloSign issues with 404 errors when Sprint network users open links for text e-signs.
- 🆕 Additional Handling for CallRail Keyword Tracking Data - The recent changes made by CallRail to their product in March were affecting our integration in some scenarios and some data was missing. Additional handling was implemented to improve the data provided by CallRail for new scenarios as a result of their product update.
- 🆕 User Interface UI/UX Improvements - The Inbox and Lead/Case screens will now include optimization for smaller screens for the new norm of having a virtual workforce.
- Self Service Password Rest Changes - the self-service password reset feature will now allow any user to unlock their user account via email for excessive failed password attempts. All you need to do is use the reset password link that is emailed and you can unlock your own account.
- E-Sign Report Improvements - the E-Sign Report has additional columns to allow e-signs sent inside of Cases to be seen, additional pagination, and more meaningful data available now.
- Multi-Select Transfer Lead/Case in the Inbox - added a new screen and optimizations
- New and Improved Email Templates - implemented new email templates for the signed e-sign and reset password email notifications.
- Fixes to the Call Volume Report for single-day reports.
- Added "Case Created Date" to the Custom Report and Inbox Layouts.
- Additional performance optimizations and other fixed under the hood.
Version - Published 5/17/2020
- 🆕 Added a Task Report - Exports to Excel that can be run at any time from the All Tasks screen. Use this to see all open or completed tasks for all or specific users. You can access this screen by clicking the number of tasks in the left-blue sidebar "Tasks" option. Then click the Export button.
- Added additional handling and resiliency for Microsoft Word intake document printing in the Send Referral feature.
- Additional performance optimizations and other fixed under the hood
Version - Published 5/12/2020
🆕 More Task Features added for better user experience
- Added sort filters in the tasks screen
- Added checkboxes to allow for the display of incomplete and/or completed tasks
- Simplified the My Tasks daily agenda on the Inbox to only show the tasks for the signed-in user
- Added a red warning icon for overdue/late tasks. Back by popular demand from our users! 😇
- Status Report changes from the last update were reverted by popular demand from our users! ☑️
- The creation of document folders for business type contacts was added
- Additional performance optimizations and other fixed under the hood
Version - Published 5/2/2020
- 🆕 NEW and Improved Task screens for better user experience - added support for multiple task assignees and a new user interface. Even more task improvements coming soon...
🆕 NEW Dashboard Report v2.0 - this report is now renamed the Lead Conversion Dashboard.
- There is a new Excel report available named "Conversion Statistics" that may be downloaded to show how each case type filtered is doing for your firm. Compare case types head-to-head!
- Includes new, additional metrics such as Total Leads, Lead Conversion %, Sent E-Signs (date e-sign signed), Signed E-Signs (date e-sign sent).
- All scheduled Lead Conversion Reports will include both the Dashboard Charts PDF and the new Conversion Metrics Excel files
- Various fixes and improvements to the printable intake forms in the Law Ruler user interface and in the online forms
- Optimizations to allow handling for scale for lead/marketing sources throughout the app
- Additional performance optimizations and other fixed under the hood
Version - Published 4/18/2020
- 🆕 NEW! Performance optimizations to increase the performance of longer intake/case forms and decision tree logic
- 🆕 NEW! The Email Marketing feature now allows mass sending of HelloSign e-sign links from instant email campaigns. Also, it includes faster statistics on instant email campaigns.
- 🆕 NEW! Improved optimizations and performance enhancements to the Inbox and Custom Report screens
- Refactored the CallRail API integration to use the newest CallRail changes that CallRail published a few weeks ago. Marketing sources should report even better now from CallRail.
- Updated the document library to allow Excel export of more than 255 columns for larger exports of the Inbox and Custom Reports.
- Dialer/Call Center - added increased handling for automated resolution of stuck tasks
- Network updates to the Law Ruler cloud for performance enhancements within the data center.
- Various fixes and performance improvements including improved call report data, better handling of content that is downloaded from the Office 365/Exchange email integration for leads/intakes and cases, and additional buffering to handle downloading of call recordings with more resilience during Twilio latency due to COVID-19. Also, it includes a fix for user permissions for edit in the documents tab to allow rename and moving of files with user rights for edit file permissions and resolved a bug with the uploads not going into the selected folder.
- Resolution of a rule for scheduled groups using the proper timezone for scheduling.
Version - Published 4/4/2020 🛠️ Maintenance
- Network updates to the Law Ruler cloud for performance enhancements within the data center.
- Cloud OS system and security updates for Windows Server and Microsoft SQL.
- Various fixes and performance improvements including HelloSign API, Import Tags into cases/matters, and patches for the real-time 2-way texting feature.
Version - Published 3/25/2020 🛠️ Maintenance
- Various fixes and improvements including: Adding automation emails to the MS Outlook email integration, fix for online intake forms, multipart headers in the API for attached files, CallRail API - better handling for duplicate checking and name recognition, minor fix to the Dashboard Report PDF version for labels.
Version - Published 3/12/2020
- 🆕 NEW! Real-time 2-Way Text Messaging conversations in Law Ruler. The "Text Messages" screen on the left menu bar will now show text messages in real-time and allow you to read and reply in one central texting app. For more details, watch our new Text Messages training video
- 🆕 NEW! HelloSign is now available for Embedded E-Sign on Website Contact Forms and Landing Pages. For more details, please review the E-Sign Automation support article
- 🆕 NEW! In the Law Ruler open API, you can now send Pick List field information. For more details, please review the Law Ruler API guide
- Various fixes and improvements to the intake/case forms
- Update to the HelloSign API to use a newer version of HelloSign for sending e-signs and the e-sign template builder
Version - Published 2/3/2020
🆕 NEW! The Import Wizard now allows Importing and Updates for Cases/Matters
- Importing of Cases is now available
- Updating of Case information is now available
- Conversion of Leads/Intakes to Case is now available in bulk in the Import Wizard
🆕 NEW! Case Roles for the Primary Contact on Leads/Intakes/Cases
- In prior versions of Law Ruler, the Primary Contact was always set to a Case Role of Client and could not be changed. Now, with this release, the Primary Contact of any Lead/Intake/Case can be set to any Case Role in such as Caller, Deceased, Spouse, Heir, Minor-Child, Representative, and more. Don't worry, it will always default to Client for ease of use, unless you change it.
🆕 NEW! Additional fields in the Contacts screen, Mail Merge Codes, and API for each Contact in your Law Ruler system.
- County > this now appears in the Contact Information tab in each Lead/Intake/Case
- Deceased (Living Status) > Always know at a quick glance if a client is deceased. If the Primary Contact is deceased, then this now appears in the Contact Information tab in each Lead/Intake/Case in a red box
- Bankrupt (Bankruptcy Status) > Never miss noticing if a client is going through a Bankruptcy. If the Primary Contact is bankrupt, then this now appears in the Contact Information tab in each Lead/Intake/Case in a blue box
- When to Contact > this now appears in the Contact Information tab in each Lead/Intake/Case
- Where to Contact > this now appears in the Contact Information tab in each Lead/Intake/Case
🆕 NEW! EverFlow Affiliate Partner Integration
- For firms that use EverFlow for affiliate partner tracking on lead conversions, Law Ruler now has an integration with EverFlow. Please review our EverFlow Integration Tutorial.
- Online intake/case forms in cases are now available.
- Custom Reports now allow separation of data by Leads/Intakes or Cases for exported data.
- Performance optimization changes to the Inbox results - This will only display up to 50 results per page. If more results are needed, please use the Reports > Custom Report, which has no limit to results and no pagination.
- Performance optimization of the Status Report in Law Ruler
- SMS Text Message replies are now compatible with Groups and will send any inbound SMS Text Reply messages to all group members. Previously, they sent to the primary group assignee only.
- Various fixes and improvements to the Law Ruler Import Wizard
Version - Published 1/12/2020 - The First Release of 2020 🎉
🆕 NEW! Automation for Sending E-Signs based on Law Ruler Status for HelloSign
- You can select a particular e-sign document per case type and the e-sign can send out automatically when a specified Law Ruler Status is reached in any lead/intake.
- Sends the e-sign out via text message and email as usual without someone having to press "Send E-Sign" inside of each intake/case manually.
- Please review the "Document Automation" tab inside of Law Ruler Automation Campaigns.
- You can select a particular e-sign document per case type and the e-sign can send out automatically when a specified Law Ruler Status is reached in any lead/intake.
🆕 NEW! Automation for Adding/Sending Referrals to Other Firms (Co-Counsel/Litigation)
- You can select 1 or more "referral firms" for each case type and the automation will add the firm(s) to any lead/case that is included in the automation when triggered.
- Adds the stored Firm % to each intake/case
- Sends the configured referral to the firm automatically
This is triggered when a specified Law Ruler Status is reached in any lead/intake. Please review the "Recipients" tab inside of Law Ruler Automation Campaigns.
- You can select 1 or more "referral firms" for each case type and the automation will add the firm(s) to any lead/case that is included in the automation when triggered.
🆕 NEW! InstaPage Integration for Landing Pages and Google Keyword Tracking
- Law Ruler has a readily available landing page instruction guide here: InstaPage integration
🆕 NEW! Five9 Call Center Software Integration
- Although Law Ruler has its own call center dialer, we have integrated with the Five9 software dialer upon request of some of our clients. This integration is custom and requires consulting to fully configure due to the complexity of the Five9 setup. Please review: Five9 Integration
🆕 NEW! Automation for Creating Needles Intakes Sheets via API into Needles v4.x
- Law Ruler has developed an automated way to insert completed intakes into Needles v4.x based on setting up of each individual Law Ruler Case Type > Needles Matter Code.
- Currently, to send intake sheets to Needles case management, users have to press "Create Needles Intake" manually for each lead/intake. Please review: Needles 4.x Automation
- Various fixes and improvements throughout the system
Version - Published on 12/19/2019 🎄 Holiday Release
🆕 NEW! Features and Updates to our Softphone Dialer / Call Center v2.0 for Elite Users
- New look and feel - sharper graphics in the Dialer window
- Added the local time of the Client that you are calling, in their local Time Zone - this way you know what time it is where the person you are calling is located at all times!
- Added the Client's Local Time to the Inbox and Custom Reports to allow filtering by Time Zone to schedule calls at the most optimal time of day
- Added a Hold button during calls
- Added the Status field so you can see the Status of the client before making a call
- Added the Source field so you can see the Marketing Source/Campaign of each client
- Added the Case Type field so you can see the Case Type/Docket for each client
- 🆕 NEW! Added a Notification System for Failed API Posts for New Leads/Intakes/Cases that fail so you can react immediately if a vendor is having issues posting to your Law Ruler system. Add 1 or more email addresses in the Third-Party API Integration screen to get notified if posts fail.
- 🆕 NEW! Features in the Import Wizard to allow importing cases, case notes, custom data
- Added more functionality for UTBMS billing codes to Time Entries and Expenses
- Various fixes and improvements throughout the system
- Resolved an issue with the GoShippo.com API due to changes made by GoShippo
Version - Published on 11/23/2019 🛠️
- Updates to our Call Report to resolve time zone issues
- Updated tracking of email opens/views/clicks from our email service
- Fix for sending referrals to ensure the configured sender's email address is used to send referrals for each referral firm configuration
- Resolved issue with date created in inbox/reports due to user groups and assignment changes
- Resolved issue with the automated assignment of new leads/intakes due to user groups and assignment changes
Version 2.7 - Published on 11/21/2019 🆕
- 🆕 NEW! User Groups and Assignment Rotations - this feature is particularly useful for larger firms that need to automatically rotate assignments of leads/intakes/cases to specific staff members by case type. Also, you can create a group of users and assign any lead/intake/case to the group, not only 1 user. Please note: this is not a round-robin assignment.
- SOL Date Report - Statute of Limitation Date - this feature now works with both leads/intakes and cases.
Version - Published on 11/19/2019 🛠️
- 🆕 NEW! Inside the Dialer/Call Center Popup (Elite Users Only), there is a new feature for manually scheduled callbacks to only be available to the user/agent assigned. Also, the call priority for manually scheduled callbacks was set to 2nd priority after New Leads
- SOL Date Report now reports on data for both leads and cases (previously it was leads/intake only)
- Various fixes and improvements to the LawPay API integration
- Various fixes and improvements to the Law Ruler Appointment Reminders and Time Zone conversions in the appointment reminders
- Various fixes and improvements with the Law Ruler Cases screen to ignore the <enter> key which was causing logouts
- Various fixes and improvements in the Lead/Intake screen to ignore the <enter> key which was causing logouts
- Various fixes and improvements with Document Subfolders for saving of call recordings and photos that were texted to call tracking numbers
Version - Published on 11/7/2019 🆕
🆕 New! Invoicing and Billing Features for Hourly and Flat Fee Billing. In Law Ruler, you can now turn your Time Entries and Expenses into Invoices, and share those Invoices with your clients via text message, email, or PDF. For a complete list of features and how to use them, please click here for the Hourly and Flat Fee Billing Tutorial on our Support Forum or contact our support team for further assistance.
- This feature is also very useful for contingency firms that need to seek costs from the defense on a personal injury case and thus provide an invoice for costs.
- Also, you could use this if your firm has to withdraw from a case and needs to provide an invoice for the amount of time that you spent on a case while you were representing the client.
- 🆕 New! LawPay Online Payments API. LawPay is the #1 Online Payments Provider for the legal industry and we are proud to integrate with them in Law Ruler. For more details on setting up LawPay inside of your Law Ruler system to accept online payments, please review the above tutorial or contact our support team for further assistance.
- 🆕 New! Automated Payment Reminders for Invoices. Not only can you create Invoices and send them to your clients, but you can also automate the Payment Reminders with custom content via text message and/or email. For more details on setting up Payment Reminders, click here for the Automated Payment Reminders Tutorial or contact our support team for further assistance.
- 🆕 New! Retainer/Trust Requests Feature. If your firm does flat fee billing and you need to get a retainer amount paid by your client, you can use our LawPay integration to send a Retainer Request. For further details, click here for the Retainer/Trust Request Tutorial or contact our support team for further assistance. Note: You will not see this feature without an active LawPay integration since it requires online payment. Otherwise, you could send your client an invoice for the flat fee and they could send you a check, cash, wire, or you could use an alternative payment system other than LawPay.
- Various fixes and improvements to the Law Ruler Calendar - a full update of the entire Calendar is coming soon.
- Various fixes and improvements with the Law Ruler Cases screen
- Various fixes and improvements in the Lead/Intake screen
- Various fixes and improvements with Document Subfolders from the last version
Version 2.6 - Published on 10/31/2019 🆕
🆕 New! Enhanced Document Screen with Document Management, Document subfolders, Document Previews in Google Docs. Also, we updated our automation for any new documents to automatically go into our default subfolders.
- Drag and Drop document management with subfolders
- You can create your own subfolders in addition to using our default subfolders
- Any signed e-sign contracts will go into the Signed Contracts folder
- Any medical records ordered will go into the Medical Records folder
- Any call recordings from our call tracking numbers will go into the Call Recordings folder
- Any photos that are texted to our call tracking numbers will go into the Photos folder
- Any document templates that you run inside of each intake/case will go into the Document Templates folder
🆕 New! Various Improvements to Case Referral feature: Added Referral Status for each firm, changed the referral email to include a downloadable link (not an attached zip file), added Accept and Decline buttons for better referral tracking
- You are now able to set the files/data that you want to export for each Referral Firm
- You are now able to customize the email sent to each Referral Firm
- There are now 3 buttons in the Referral Emails to:
- Download Referral - this logs the date/time that the Referral Firm downloaded the referral data
- Accept - this logs the date/time that the Referral Firm accepts the referral, and updates the Referral Status to Accepted in Law Ruler
- Decline - this logs the date/time that the Referral Firm declined the referral, and updates the Referral Status to Declined in Law Ruler
- Various fixes and improvements with the Law Ruler Cases screen
- Various fixes and improvements with the Lead/Intake screen
Version - Published on 10/18/2019 🆕
- 🆕 New! Our Calendar Event Tracker! Now, you can start tracking metrics of which clients are responsible and show up to meetings on time and which ones cancel, no show, or are late frequently. Use our new "Event Status" field and start today!
Version - Published on 10/16/2019 🛠️
- Various fixes and improvements with the Law Ruler Cases screen
- Various fixes and improvements with the Lead/Intake screen
- Added UTM Form/Keyword Data for Marketing into our CallRail integration for their new feature for tracking of form submissions
- Added Medical Record Ordering in the Law Ruler Cases screen
- Changed the Law Ruler Contact Center Dialer to not require clearing the Chrome browser local storage anymore if closed improperly
- Added tracking of internet/session issues for the client-side browser if the client's internet goes down
- Various updates to Call Tracking Phone Number Rules for Forwarding Calls on a Schedule
Version 2.5.3 - Published on 9/20/2019 🛠️
- Better user experience in the Time Entries screen. Law Ruler will now automatically popup the Time Entry for editing when the timer is stopped from anywhere in the system
- Changes to the Law Ruler Contact Center (the Dialer v2.0) for inbound and outbound calls to route based on user permissions for case type, source, assigned. Example: If a user only has access to certain case types, then they will only receive calls for the assigned case types. Previously, it was all calls for all users
- In the E-Sign Settings screen, you may now use spaces in the E-Sign template names
- Custom integration with Crocodile Software
- Various fixes and improvements with the Law Ruler Cases screen
- Various fixes and improvements with Firms/Fee Split handling in the Lead/Intake screen
Version 2.41 - Published on 9/9/2019 🆕
- 🆕 NEW! Changes to the Third-Party Report Builder to improve the look and feel of our scheduled reports. This should also resolve any delivery issues.
- 🆕 NEW! Integration with the GoShippo API for FedEx, UPS, and USPS to allow sending of mailed documents directly from an intake or case in Law Ruler (Please note, this requires setting up an account with goshippo.com and adding the token inside of Setup>Global Settings>Shipping Settings)
- Review this article on our Support Forum about Using the GoShippo.com API with Law Ruler.
- Various fixes and improvements in the Custom Report Builder
Version 2.4 - Published on 8/15/2019 🆕
- 🆕 NEW! Login screen v2.0 with an improved password reset feature and added brute force protection
- 🆕 NEW! Import Wizard now supports importing of Contacts without creating a lead/intake/case
- Additional handling and optimizations for custom fields and the inbox that use the custom reports engine
- Added more redundancy and quality improvements in the Law Ruler Contact Center (the Dialer v2.0) including Warm Transfer and Blind Transfer of Calls, Conference Calling feature, and Hold/Mute button.
- Added additional logging and handling in the Law Ruler Contact Center (the Dialer v2.0) for inbound, outbound and recycled tasks
- Various fixes and cosmetic improvements in the Dashboard and Marketing ROI Reports
Version 🆕
- 🆕 NEW! Added native video message capability and compression in email campaigns for MMS (Multimedia Messages) sent to mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc) This allows videos and images to show/play without needing to be clicked on
- Resolved intermittent issue with add note button in the inbox
- Additional performance optimizations and fixes to custom reports, inbox exports, and inbox speed
- Added more handling for exceptions in DNI
- Added special characters in names handling in the global search
- Added real-time queue metrics to the Contact Center/Dialer v2.0 for Inbound, Outbound, and Queue reporting
- Additional changes to SSD vendor integration and XML export
- Various other fixes and improvements
All version history prior to the above thread has been archived.